Winter in Gaza

作者:goofegg  于 2023-11-8 13:43 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Winter in Gaza


Gaza is particularly cold this winter
There is a neglected corner of the world
Because of the outbreak of Hamas' anger
Now it's getting worldwide attention again
Many distant people who are not concerned about current affairs
Only now realize that there was a concentration camp in the civilized era
Just like the tragedy that Jews once suffered
In the decades before this war
It happens every day in Gaza
That's a big cage
High walls and tight watchtowers
The people surrounded here have not committed any crimes
Perhaps backwardness is an original sin?
Should it be replaced by advanced civilization as a matter of course?
Just like the Native Americans were slaughtered and exterminated in the past
Should all these strong people besiege the weak?

For so many years in this huge cage
This kind of hunting and entertainment happens every day
Every day there are shells and bullets pouring in
Every family here is incomplete
Living people are accompanied by physical and mental trauma
It is common for children here to be shot and killed
Surprised me by the indifferently of these children
Shining eyes and calm narrate:
Children in Gaza can not grow up...
Just like a seasoned sage
Speaking of us, ordinary people will grow old throughout our lives
The entanglements related to life and death that cannot be ignored
There is even a powerless and helpless relief
Growing up peacefully here
That is a beautiful dream

The Palestinians trapped here
The hardships of life combined with years of humiliation
Still living an unyielding life, unwilling to be a slave
Years of oppression gave birth to Hamas
Making simple firecrackers with white sugar
The scattered ignition and emission in recent years indicate that
Their constant existence and resistance
An angry and ignorant child who has been humiliated
Throw at the tank with all their might, but the weak stones
Will be killed by the shooting of soldiers fully armed
Even the children who are watching will be surrounded by groups of soldiers
Pushing, shoving, beating, and making them remember from a young age
Remember the appearance of demons and try their ferocity
So that they can feel fear and surrender

For decades, the suffering of the Palestinians
Although I heard of their rocket fight
But overwhelmed by a stronger counterattack
It's like a little spark of fire being submerged in the ocean
We have heard too much about the tragedy and unyielding nature of Jews
have no attention they bringing their sufferred pain
Has imposed hundreds and thousands of times on innocent Canaan
And because of their tragedy in Nazi concentration camps
And return them with deep sympathy
Their wisdom and shrewdness
It also deeply attracts high-level officials and elites from various countries
Proud of being close to them and becoming Jewish
Which country in the West does not have Jews among its high-ranking officials?
Which of their tongues does not speak for the Jews?
So, the little spark of Hamas in the past
It was extinguished without hearing a sound
What those who are far from war and content with peace feel
It's just a group of people just fooling around there in good days
But who has ever heard of concentration camps in modern civilization?
Who can feel the cold in Gaza this winter?

November 8, 2023

Translated from 加沙的冬天

Winter in Gaza









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