
作者:kyotosizumoto  于 2024-3-9 21:47 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



This video was produced in 2018.


Modern Chinese History 1 by Liu Zheng


The collapse of the late Qing Empire, the establishment of the Republic of China, China and the First World War, and the May Fourth Movement.


Modern Chinese History 2 by Liu Zheng


Warlord rule and the Beiyang government, the early United Front, the Nanjing government, prosperity and freedom in the early years of the Republic of China, the rise of the peasant movement and the emergence of the Chinese Communist Party.


Modern Chinese History 3 by Liu Zheng


The early war history between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the outbreak and resolution of the Xi'an Incident, the Kuomintang's all-out war of resistance against Japan, the Yan'an Red Base Area, the Nanjing government and Manchukuo, World War II and China, and the overall outbreak of the Chinese Civil War.


Modern Chinese History 4 by Liu Zheng


The establishment of the People's Republic of China and the socialist transformation movement, the economy and society in the early days of New China, China's active involvement in the Korean War, land reform and the transformation of public and private enterprises.


Modern Chinese History 5 by Liu Zheng


The rashness and failure of economic policies, the collectivization of rural areas, the confrontation between China and the Soviet Union, and the beginning of the international Cold War.


Modern Chinese History 6 by Liu Zheng


The failure of the Great Leap Forward and the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, the nationwide political struggle, the issue of leadership succession, the Lin Biao incident and the unfolding of the national movement to criticize Deng Xiaoping.


Modern Chinese History 7 by Liu Zheng


The end of the Cultural Revolution and the arrest of Jiang Qing and other political gangs, reform and opening up and the rise of the student movement, the emergence of new economic models in rural areas, the full emergence of private companies and individual economies, patriotic education and the fight against Western political infiltration, and the bloody suppression of Tiananmen Square The Democratic Movement, Succession of CCP Leaders, and the Contradictions and Innovations in the Inheritance of Mao Zedong Thought.









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