Failed in Road Test before it started

作者:akeqin  于 2017-3-23 09:56 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:the, Road, Test, driving, Test

March 20 Monday it will be my Road Test day.

On March 19 I was very nervous. My coach wanted to teach me more and directed me drove into the downtown Saint Paul with a lot of high and big buildings, crowd streets. There is a traffic light per 50 feet. Over half streets are one way. My mind and my eyes became tired. When the coach let me turn left, I got lost and made a “U” turn.

“Why did you do like this?” The coach yelled at me and helped me to turn the wheel trying to avoid the coming cars hitting.

I felt very tired and exhausted. The coach asked me moved in high way. When I tried to move out of high way and made a right turn, felt the car drove on the sidewalk. The coach yelled “Stop! Stop! Stop!” my foot still in the gas pedal and the car hit the iron fence down and stopped slowly after the coach pushed back the parking gear.

I broke the coach car. I can’t use the coach car for tomorrow’s road test. I had one idea to rent the same car. The coach agreed.  My husband rented a car for me.

We came to the Road Test Office. The assistant man looked at the car documents. He told us I broke the law which the person with the drive permit can’t drive a releasing car! I couldn't take part in the test!

I failed the test before it started.









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