运用市场引导消费也是政治力量 Using the market to guide consumption is also a pol

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-19 14:01 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Nov 16, 2015 at 10:25 PM


运用市场引导消费也是政治力量 Using the market to guide consumption is also a political force 


今天讲一下市场. 以前每次看见你对某个国家惩罚时就不让游客去旅行. 这就是市场的power. 这个power不光是经济的而且是政治的. 在中国消费人群得消费目标,有时候是很盲目的. 名牌包在美国这儿,成本不到20美金,市场上要卖两三百块钱,到国内要翻倍甚至三倍. 上海那边居然有人要我去做代购,中国人的钱是太好赚了. 我不说要怎么样创自己的品牌,我只是说市场消费是可以引导的. 只要有本事把文化的附加值,名牌的效应,以及物以稀为贵应用到极致,就能引导消费从中获利. 我知道你手上有许许多多的中小企业. 在一带一路开拓中,得心应手地运用这些中小企业,可以和其他国家的经济匹配和互助. 比如说中亚需要很多家电用品,你只要跟海尔什么说一声, 他们就可以满足所有的需要. 同样的,你是不是应该规划一下自己的市场,因为市场是very powerful尤其是在经济上和政治上. 知道怎么运用手段去引导消费,那对其他国家的产品来说,你就可以动态优化应用市场的power,替他们的产品引导创造消费,这更是一个政治力量,能让其他国家能在政策上配合整个大的国际经济环境运作,在政治上不轻举妄动制造祸端. 总之运用好你的市场力量,和你的生产企业资源,你就super powerful. 下次再聊. 


I would talk about market today. Every time I saw you punished a country, the way is you would not let tourists travelthere. This is the power of the market. This power is not only economic but also political. In China, consumers have a consumption target, sometimes people are very blind. Brand-name bags in the United States, materials cost less than 20 dollars, at market they are sold two or three hundred dollars, yet double or even triple the price in China. There are actually people in Shanghai wanted me to purchase for them,  Chinese money is too easy to earn. I don't say how to create your own brand, I just say that market consumption can be guided. As long as there is the ability to add  culture value, the effect of brand name, and the application of rare things to the extreme, can guide consumers and you can profit from it. I know that you have a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises in your hands. In the development of the Belt and Road, you can use these small and medium-sized enterprises, you can work with other countries to haveEconomic matching and mutual assistance. For example, Central Asia needs a lot of household appliances, you just have to say something to Haier, their productions can meet all the needs. Similarly, should you plan your own market, because the market is very powerful. Especially in economics and politics. Know how to use means to guide consumption, then for other countries' products, you can dynamically optimize the market power for them. The product guidance, creation, consumption, this is a political force that allows other countries to cooperate with the entire international economic environment in policy, and does not act rashly in the political shackles. In short, use your market power, and your production enterprise resources, you will be super powerful. Next time will talk more.









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