
作者:转折点  于 2020-10-28 07:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


政治制度应该更人性化 Political system should be more humane


反腐是一件早就该做的事!但是我个人觉得在某些方面可能制度需要更完善. 因为腐败是人性,只要有机会人当然是把自己利益最大化的! 我更觉得国内的政治应该更多人性化. 我爸说在权力面前从来没有人性. 我希望在这些方面能够多借鉴一些西方的政治系统,也就是多给一些台阶让政治的败家也可以有其他的生存方式. 美国的两党制实际上是作秀的,美国的政治基本上是以法律也就是已定的政策为基础的,台面上的大多只是演员,演员只是一个职业, 而具体运作是内定的谁知道是人呢还是电脑!这样台上的演员就只是演戏而已,不负太大的责任!即使竞选失败了他还可以去做律师啊教授啊什么的. 当然这样的缺点是一旦内部战略失误和电脑错误,就像一个庞然大物瞎了眼睛会一直走下去,因为没有人有那么大的能量可以改变,就会造成大灾难. 而最近几十年错误越来越多越来越大. 其实美国更需要在制度上反腐!我觉得反腐是post processing. 以前在公司工作,规定说拍上级马屁送礼不能超过十块钱,上老板也怕的送多了也不受. 所以在制度上设立相当的法规,比如说银行接受存款超过多少以上需要查金钱来源,等等等等,至少有设限比没有要好. 对那些贪官,其实不让他们回来对他们来说是最难过的!应该在国外设置一些投资项目比如说建立寄宿学校,开一些旅馆,接待国内来客呀如果是陌生赃款就把它转入这些投资. 或者你就直接跟这些贪官谈判,让他们自己留一点,其余的给你去投资以免去他们被抓回国坐牢的惩罚. 有的时候不一定要让人死.

Anti-corruption is something that should have been done long ago! But I personally feel that in some respects, the system may need to be more perfect. Because corruption is human nature, as long as there is an opportunity, people will of course maximize their own interests! I feel that domestic politics should be more humane. My dad said there is never humanity in front of power. I hope that in these respects,Chinese can use Western political systems as reference, that is, give more options, so that political failers can have other ways of living. The US two-party system is actually a show, the United States politics is basically based on the law, that is, the established policies. Most of the players on the table are only actors. The actors are only a profession, and the specific operation is fixed. Who knows whether the back stagedecision maker is a person or a computer! In this way, the actors on the stage are just acting, and they don't bear too much responsibility! Even if the election fails, candidates can still be a lawyer, professor or something. Of course, the shortcoming is that once there are internal strategic mistakes or computer errors, things will be like a blind giant keep going, because no one has the power can make things change,  it will cause a huge catastrophe. In recent decades, more and more mistakes have been made, and more and more in scale. In fact, the United States needs to resist corruption in the system! I think anti-corruption is post processing. I used to work in American company. It is the rule gift for top-level can not exceed ten dollars. The boss is also afraid of it notaccepting more. So there should be considerable regulations in Chinese system, such as when bank accepting deposits, amount more than certain limitation it needs to check the source of money, etc., at least there is a limit. For those corrupt officials,  not let them come back, it is the most sad thing for them! Some investment projects should be set up abroad, such as setting up a boarding school, opening some hotels, and receiving domestic visitors. If it is  unknownmoney, transfer it to these investments. Or you can negotiate directly with these corrupt officials and let them just keep a little, the rest are returned to you to invest, in exchange for not to be punished when they are arrested and returned to the country. Sometimes they do not have to die.


中国有很好的内部灵活性但主要是以人为主,中国现在在学美国变得越来越演员化,是因为内部对政治的掌控越来越深入注重细节. 这也是政治越来越人性化,成熟的表现. 如果不这样的话,谁知道哪天别人也会那样对你啊!今天Jackie告诉我,又有人跳肚皮舞式的迈克杰克逊了,我是更加大吃一惊!也是青春期吗?还带性感的?想起上次穿高跟鞋跳舞蹈..... 好调皮

China has good internal flexibility, but it is mainly people-oriented. China is now becoming more and more politicianacting like the United Statesbecause of internal control over politics and more and more attention to details. This is also the increasingly human nature elements of politics. If you arenot humane, who knows that others will treat you like you one day! Today Jackie told me that someone was dancing belly dance style Mike Jackson, I was even more shocked! Is it also adolescence? Also sexy? Think of the last dance in high heels..... very naughty!









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