
作者:转折点  于 2021-1-19 00:29 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


中国政治加一些幽默和动画 Chinese politicsoperation needs some humor and animation.


美国人搞政治有娱乐效果了,无论是讲幽默,还是川普这样的哗众取宠!这都是给政治添加色彩,让人从单调的,有限的,传统的形象中,增添更多的维度和信息量!以更有效的方式告知大众. 我以前学历史,野史永远比学正史有趣,而且更容易记住,这是人的心理. 既然政治是大众的事儿,那也应该把政治心理游戏玩得花样多一些,目的就是众望所归. 看你开会,敞开心扉,诚挚以待,意在不言中. 看华春莹举行记者招待会,在为航母的每天耗费和纳税人关系纠结时,在为法律细节纠缠时,觉得,这是我对中国政治舞台的个人建议,中国的政治似乎也应该有一个第二舞台,或者更多样的表现方式,或者让某个角色,介乎北美崔哥和洪磊之间,既有官方背景又有哗众取宠效果,那有些话让他来说就会带来更丰富的细节含义更能吸引观众的关注!更让大众易于接受!Jackie问我对汉斯音乐的感觉,Hans的配乐是 excellente,  而用他的音乐剪辑的新闻片段是perfecto. 音乐的mood 和新闻的视频完美交融,节奏感极佳,非常专业. 既使不说一句话,没有任何文字,画面和音乐所表达信息已经足够丰富.


Americans have the most entertaining effects in politics, whether it is humor, or Trump's sensation! This is to add color to politics, let people gain more dimensions and information from monotonous, limited, traditional image! Inform the public in a more effective way. I used to study history. It was always more interesting to learn side history than the true history, and it was easier to remember. This is human psychology. Since politics is a matter of mass, you should also play political psychological games. There are more tricks, the purpose is to let known to the public. See in your meeting, open your heart, be sincere, and all words are carried silently. See Hua Chunying holding a press conference, when the daily expenses of the aircraft carrier and the taxpayer relationship are entangled, in the law when the details are entangled, I feel that this is my personal suggestion to the Chinese political arena. Chinese politics needs to have a second stage, or a more diverse way of expression, or let a role, between North America’s Cui Ge and speaker Hong Lei, with both official backgrounds and sensational effectsSo maybe some words spoken by the role will be more detailed and meaningful! It will attract more attention of the audience! More accessible to the public! Jackie asked me about the feeling of Hans music, Hans's score is excellente, and the news clip with his music clip is perfecto. The music's mood and news video are perfectly blended, the rhythm is very good, very professional. Even if no word,  no text, and the information expressed by pictures and music is rich enough.









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