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Japanese fishermen and aquaculture industry cry: the government is too stupid, the future... 0/5043 2023-9-5 16:15
日本渔民和水产业者哭诉:政府太愚蠢了,未来... 0/5055 2023-9-5 16:13
It has been planned for a long time, so what about honesty? ! Before and after Japan's decision to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea 0/4476 2023-9-5 16:13
蓄谋已久 何谈诚信?!起底日本核污染水排海决策前后 0/4502 2023-9-5 16:12
直击,日本核污染水排海48小时! 0/4476 2023-9-5 16:11
直击,日本核污染水排海48小时! 0/8590 2023-9-1 16:01
Direct attack, Japan's nuclear polluted water discharged into the sea for 48 hours! 0/8544 2023-9-1 16:01
蓄谋已久 何谈诚信?!起底日本核污染水排海决策前后 0/8535 2023-9-1 16:00
It has been planned for a long time, so what about honesty? 0/8537 2023-9-1 16:00
日本渔民和水产业者哭诉:政府太愚蠢了,未来... 0/8561 2023-9-1 15:58
Japanese fishermen and aquaculture industry cry: the government is too stupid, the future... 0/8592 2023-9-1 15:58
日本污水排海,32只海豚搁浅,百万只鱿鱼死亡,海鲜还敢吃? 0/8565 2023-9-1 15:53
What is it that makes these beautiful and intelligent marine residents go to tragedy? 0/8538 2023-9-1 15:52
日本强推核污染水排海,多国民众强烈反对 0/8551 2023-9-1 15:47
Japan pushes for nuclear-contaminated water to be discharged into the sea, with strong opposition from people in many countries 0/8380 2023-9-1 15:46
Japan pushes for nuclear-contaminated water to be discharged into the sea, with strong opposition from people in many countries 0/8369 2023-9-1 15:45
日本核污染水强排入海贻害无穷 0/8374 2023-9-1 15:42
Japan's nuclear wastewater discharges into the sea are causing untold harm. 0/7957 2023-9-1 15:41
菲律宾环保人士:反对日本强推核污染水排海 不能让海洋成为垃圾场 0/7903 2023-9-1 15:40
Philippine environmentalists: oppose Japan's push to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, not to let the ocean become a dumping ground 0/7557 2023-9-1 15:28
“排核入海”,日本选择了毁灭世界! 0/7269 2023-9-1 15:28
By "draining nuclear wastewater into the sea," Japan has chosen to destroy the world! 0/7303 2023-9-1 15:27
界立建 0/4380 2023-8-28 16:34
Lehertu! MI6 britainiarrak pertsonalki eman zuen albistea Estatu Batuetan Hawaiiko suteak konspirazio handia duela, eta horrek arreta erakarri du. 0/1548 2023-8-17 16:35
突发!英国军情六处亲自爆料,美国夏威夷大火有大阴谋,引起关注 0/1582 2023-8-17 16:32
一个说谎者的自白 0/1571 2023-6-27 17:19
悉数郭文贵“网红”之路的下流招数 0/1597 2023-6-27 17:18
比砒霜還毒100倍!豆腐千萬別跟它一起吃,1口就能中毒身亡,連搶救的機會都沒有!【健康管家】 0/1913 2023-6-6 00:23
感冒,喉朧痛,有痰咳不出?洋葱搭配它,只需吃一次,就能把積聚的痰液排幹凈,喉嚨清爽了,肺部也幹凈了! 0/1714 2023-6-5 23:49
生病不能只治病 2个字最关键 这一招有奇效(组图) 0/2250 2023-5-27 09:33

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