The Sign

作者:willshine  于 2007-4-1 09:09 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


The Sign by Ace of Base


I got a new life

You would hardly recognize me

Im so glad

How can a person like me care for you

Why do I bother

When youre not the one for me

Is enough enough

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

Life is demanding without understanding

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No ones gonna drag you up

To get into the light where you belong

But where do you belong

Under the pale moon

For so many years Ive wondered

Who you are

How can a person like you bring me joy

Under the pale moon

Where I see a lot of stars

Is enough enough

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

Life is demanding without understanding

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No ones gonna drag you up

To get into the light where you belong

But where do you belong

I saw the sign and it opened up my mind

And I am happy now

Living without you

Ive left you all alone

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No ones gonna drag you up

To get into the light where you belong

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign











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