Reclaim Your Body Step by Step

作者:willshine  于 2007-6-11 05:08 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Reclaim your body and your excitement about life.

When you are unhappily focused on the body you don’t have, or the state of health that you are not in, you are reminding yourself over and over, basically convincing yourself, that this is your physical state.

And it is - and it doesn’t change - because you are reinforcing the negative state that you are in. And then there is further reinforcement when you start an exercise plan, and quit because you don’t see immediate results, which is something that we are being sold and told by the media. "Get instant results with this diet, lose weight immediately with this plan."

Or you try another new diet and then give it up because it’s not working, or too difficult to adhere to, and once again you reinforce that diets don’t work. If you still don’t feel or look the way that you want to – you have probably tried everything.

And because you have tried so many diets, joined so many gyms, taken so many classes and still have not found your happiest, healthiest, self, you certainly have reason to be convinced that nothing is going to change.

With that, you have little chance of making strides toward change in the area of health and fitness – and you keep proving that over and over. But you can change, things can be different - I have a plan.

Step 1. Accept where you are today. That’s right - surrender, give in, and just say, "OK, I accept that this is where I am today." You are not giving up – you are giving in – to the truth. Stop fighting it and being negative about it, just be OK with it for now.

Step 2. Be thankful for all that is good in your life. Find some things that you like about yourself and your life and focus intently on those. Generate a feeling of love and generosity toward yourself and the doors to change will open.

Step 3. Know that things can change. If you don’t believe it now (and you probably don’t, given all that has happened in the past), you will, if you dedicate as much time, thought, and energy as you did to feeling negative, to thinking and then feeling positive. Fake it in the beginning, just keep saying (with a smile on your face and hope in your heart), "I can change, it’s my choice."

You must reinforce over and over, convince yourself that you can change by reprogramming your mind. Don’t stop until you feel the love.

Step 4. Be open to a new you with new desires and feelings. Whatever you do, don’t fight it when the urge strikes you to start taking better care of yourself.

That’s right; before you know it you’ll be eating less junk – or just eating less. You’ll be wanting to move your body more, so look for new exercise tips here – they’re coming.

Peace and Happy Trails. Debbie Rocker









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