Keira Knightly

作者:深秋的云  于 2009-3-1 01:15 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Keira Knightly

To be honest, she did not leave any impression on me in “Pirates of the Caribbean”, which is not my favorite movie at all. She was not even pretty in my eyes. However the following movies “pride and prejudice” and “atonement” make me fall in love with her. She is absolutely gorgeous and strikingly beautiful. The scene she climbs out of the fountain pool, standing in front of James McAvoy with a wet silk dress clinging on her slender body. She makes the sexist woman at that moment without a doubt.

She is very talented actress as well. In her role “the Duchess”, she is young, pretty and intelligent, married to the duke. Everyone loves her except her husband. He has an open affair with her best friend and allows that woman staying in their mansion regardless her protest. Failed to win her husband’s heart, she throws herself in another man’s arm whom she loved before she get married, yet her husband claims if she stay with him, he would use his power to destroy his career. The day she returns to their mansion with a broken heart, sitting on the edge of the bed, her husband comes over to greet her. She lifts up her eyes to meet his, the expression in her face makes viewers wince. There are so much pain and hate, so desperate and indignant. Like a stone in your chest, you are unable to breath. Overall she is a great actor. That is why I put her on top of my favorite actor list.










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