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俗话说「十人九痔」,痔疮是一种很常见的疾病。美国每年有1000万例痔疮报告 [来源];女性怀孕期间更容易得痔疮,称为「孕期痔疮」 [参考]。痔疮虽然不是什么重大疾病,但犯病时非常折磨人。


痔疮英文是 Hemorrhoids,也称为 “piles”,是指肛门和直肠下段内部及周围的血管发生扩张和膨胀。根据痔疮所在位置,可分为外痔 “external hemorrhoids” 和内痔 “internal hemorrhoids” 两种类型。有的患者也可能同时患有两种类型的痔疮,混合痔往往会更痛苦。

内痔与外痔;图片来源:Mayo Clinic

根据 Mayo Clinic 「梅奥医学中心」和 ASCRS「美国结肠与直肠外科医师协会」的指南介绍,外痔通常长在肛门的周围,如上图所示像一个小肉球,用手可以触摸到。外痔常见的症状有:

  • 肛门区域瘙痒。
  • 出现敏感肿块。
  • 疼痛或不适。
  • 肛门周围肿胀。
  • 出血。


  • 大便时无痛出血。你可能会发现纸巾上或马桶里有少量鲜红色的血。
  • 痔疮脱垂引起疼痛。


  • 久坐马桶(例如看手机)。
  • 排便过度用力。
  • 慢性便秘或腹泻。
  • 肥胖。
  • 怀孕。
  • 遗传。
  • 过量使用泻药或灌肠剂导致的肠功能不良。
  • 饮食结构中缺少纤维。
  • 常举重物。


  • 多吃高纤维食物,比如蔬菜和全谷物。若食谱中缺少高纤维食物,可通过下面这些膳食纤维保健品(fiber supplement)来弥补。
    Benefiber Fiber Supplement Powder Stick Packs for Digestive Health, 28 sticks, 3.92 ounces
    1,753 个好评
    Benefiber Fiber Supplement Powder Stick Packs for Digestive Health, 28 sticks, 3.92 ounces
    • Benefiber original is a 100% natural prebiotic fiber supplement
    • Benefiber powder dissolves clear and can be added to your favorite foods and drinks
    • For under 6 years or if you are pregnant, ask a health professional before use.
    Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement, 60 Capsules - Proven Proprietary Formula
    2,618 个好评
    Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement, 60 Capsules - Proven Proprietary Formula
    • For good times and good health: our specially formulated all-natural fiber blend works with your body’s natural process to promote gut health and cleanliness. stay ready to feel cleaner and more confident with pure for men.
    • Promotes digestive cleanliness: when taken with water, the specially formulated psyllium husk, chia seed, and flax seed work together to hydrate and build a soft but solid mass. it works much like a sponge cleaning up behind your meals.
    • Proprietary blend of fiber: unlike other fiber supplements, our proprietary blend is designed to reduce common side effects such as bloating, nausea, cramps, and gassiness. our leading fiber supplement also has 50% more fiber per capsule than competitors.
    SmartyPants Kids Formula & Fiber Daily Gummy Multivitamin: Fiber for Digestive Health, Vitamin C, D3, & Zinc for Immunity, Omega 3 Fish Oil (EPA & DHA), B6, Methyl B12, 120 Count (30 Day Supply)
    2,599 个好评
    SmartyPants Kids Formula & Fiber Daily Gummy Multivitamin: Fiber for Digestive Health, Vitamin C, D3, & Zinc for Immunity, Omega 3 Fish Oil (EPA & DHA), B6, Methyl B12, 120 Count (30 Day Supply)
    • Kids formula & fiber with new premium ingredients, all in one delicious serving: beta carotene, vitamin b6, vitamin k2 & choline (packaging may vary).
    • Non-gmo. free of milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nut allergens, fish allergens, shellfish, soy, gluten and wheat. no synthetic colors or artificial sweeteners/flavors. 3rd party lab tested. no refrigeration required.
    • For children 4 years of age and older, take 2 gummies daily for the first week, 4 gummies daily thereafter. may be taken with or without food. chew each gummy thoroughly.
  • 上厕所时避免过度用力可减少痔疮所受压力,并有助于防止突出。
  • 多喝水。
  • 多运动,避免长时间坐着。
  • 想上厕所立马就去,不要憋。
  • 每天进行数次 10 至 20 分钟的温水盆浴(坐浴)。不要用肥皂 [来源]
好用的非处方痔疮药Doctor Butler's Hemorrhoid & Fissure Ointment 

Doctor Butler's 的这款痔疮膏在 Amazon 上的销量和评价都非常好,很多专业医生都会推荐。它是由肛肠科医生研发,可以快速缓解痔疮引起的瘙痒、灼烧、出血和其他症状,已经获得 FDA 批准,并且含有药效最强的局部止痛药—lidocaine「利多卡因」(4%)。这款痔疮膏的其他成分包括:药草、氨基酸和矿物质的混合物,等。

Doctor Butler's Hemorrhoid & Fissure Ointment - Hemorrhoid Treatment with Lidocaine, Pure Aloe Vera, Amino Acids and Essential Oils & Minerals for Fast Acting Pain Relief, Itch Relief and Swelling
3,459 个好评
Doctor Butler's Hemorrhoid & Fissure Ointment - Hemorrhoid Treatment with Lidocaine, Pure Aloe Vera, Amino Acids and Essential Oils & Minerals for Fast Acting Pain Relief, Itch Relief and Swelling
  • Leave the pain behind: doctor butler’s hemorrhoid ointment was developed by a board certified proctologist to ensure only the best ingredients are offered for hemorrhoid and fissure treatment. our lidocaine ointment works as a numbing cream to quickly alleviate your pain.*
  • Heal, soothe and protect: doctor butler’s formula also features organic herbs, essential oils and minerals and amino acids for added healing solutions and natural pain relief. aloe vera extract, ginseng extract and horse chestnut are just some of the ingredients with skin protectant and anti-inflammatory properties.*
  • Amazon’s #1 best selling hemorrhoid ointment- fakespot verified positive reviews. join more than 85,000 satisfied new customers who purchased doctor butler’s over the past year and quickly relieved the pain, bleeding, burning, itching and swelling of hemorrhoids & fissures.*
$34.95 $29.95 
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Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream

很多人管 Preparation H 的这款痔疮膏叫白宫痔疮膏(我也不知道是为啥,欢迎了解的朋友留言告知)。这是非处方痔疮药当中的重磅产品,含有5%利多卡因(这是非处方痔疮药物可用的最高强度),能够快速止痛和止痒。它同时也含有甘油,可以保护和舒缓皮肤。不过,这款乳膏每天最多可使用四次。Costco 也有这款痔疮膏,量大价优。

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (0.9 Ounce Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief with Aloe
Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (0.9 Ounce Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief with Aloe
  • Includes one 0.9 ounce tube of preparation h maximum strength hemorrhoid pain relief cream
  • The only over the counter hemorrhoid treatment cream with maximum strength pramoxine for multi-symptom relief
  • Proprietary hemorrhoid cream blend with vitamin e, panthenol and soothing aloe
$8.99 $6.47 
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Tucks Md Cool Hemorrhoid Pad

Tucks 的这款痔疮冷敷垫在 Amazon 上的销量也非常好。它的主要活性成分是 “witch hazel” 金缕梅,可以有效减轻痔疮灼伤感和瘙痒感。因为它的成分比较天然,所以医生也会推荐给孕妇和产妇使用。

Tucks Md Cool Hemorrhoid Pad, 100 Count
4,372 个好评
Tucks Md Cool Hemorrhoid Pad, 100 Count
  • Relief: tucks pads provide immediate relief from burning, itching and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids
  • Witch hazel: soothes and protects irritated areas
  • Personal hygiene: the ultra-soft pads can be used to cleanse outer rectal and/or vaginal areas
$12.34 $6.98 
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Motherlove Rhoid Balm

痔疮是很多孕、产妇都会碰到的问题,Motherlove 的这款有机痔疮膏就是专门会孕妇研制的。它的成分都是纯天然有机的,包括:橄榄油、蜂蜡、金缕梅叶、蓍草和金盏花等混合而成。可以有效的缓解犯痔疮引起的疼痛和瘙痒。

Motherlove Rhoid Balm (1 oz.) Organic Balm with Witch Hazel - Helps Ease Pain and Discomfort of Hemorrhoids Caused by Pregnancy and Childbirth
Motherlove Rhoid Balm (1 oz.) Organic Balm with Witch Hazel - Helps Ease Pain and Discomfort of Hemorrhoids Caused by Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Eases discomfort: helps reduce swelling and eases the itch of hemorrhoidal tissues caused by pregnancy.
  • Soothing relief: contains witch hazel and yarrow, which are known to bring comfort to pregnant & new moms by soothing hemorrhoidal pain and itch.
  • Postpartum essential: while not all moms get hemorrhoids, they can happen and this is great to have on hand just in case!
Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream

马应龙痔疮膏不愧是痔疮界的国货之光,它在 Amazon 上有近两千评价,并且是4星半好评。美国版马应龙的主要成分有:人工麝香、牛黄等,可以帮助收缩肿胀的痔组织,缓解炎症和疼痛。

Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream - 3PK (US English Label)
Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream - 3PK (US English Label)
  • Shrink swollen hemorrhoid tissue
  • Reduce heat and inflammation
  • Relieve hemorrhoid pain
$13.99 $11.99 
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