Buffett Warns: dollars par with toilet paper

作者:weileguojia  于 2011-4-15 02:18 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Buffett Warns on Dollar
Avoid long-term bonds, as the dollars you are paid in may have reached par with toilet paper by that time.

Mr. Buffett gave in New Dehli today. Via Bloomberg:

I would recommend against buying long-term fixed-dollar investments.

I would much rather own businesses [stocks].

If you ask me if the U.S. dollar is going to hold its purchasing power fully at the level of 2011, 5 years, 10 years or 20 years from now, I would tell you it will not.

Translation: Avoid long-term bonds, as dollars you are paid in the future will be worth a lot less. Possibly a lot less, as in par with toilet paper, in outlier scenarios.

"Paper money always returns to its intrinsic value -- zero"

The language Buffett used in this part was a little odd: "It’s very easy to take away the value of fixed-dollar investments." Take away. That's what some think the Fed is doing. Taking wealth through inflation. Even Alan Greenspan acknowledged this, before he became The Maestro

Well, if the US Treasury is to believed, the United States owns 261.5 million troy ounces of gold.

 And according to the Federal Reserve, as of April 7, 2011, there are 8.891 trillion dollars in existence.

 So in the event that we want to use the nation’s supply of gold as a backstop for the dollar, you’d have to divide the number of dollars (M2) by the number of troy ounces to come to a true valuation for gold.

 Doing so gives you $34,000 an ounce gold. Whoa is right.

 That’s if we’re being honest with ourselves and we expect the same kind of honesty from our money. It also means that the dollar has lost 99.99% of its value over just the past 40 years.

 Even if you don’t revalue gold according to the outstanding number of FRNs, and instead, you used the current market price of $1,470 an ounce, the dollar has still lost 97% of its value in the past 40 years.

 You used to be able to buy 1/42 of an ounce of gold with $1. Today, $1 only buys you 1/1470 of an ounce.

 At what point do you think a dollar will buy no gold? At what point will FRNs be seen for what they are by the world: an abstraction based on theft and lies.

Gold-Paper Moneys

IMF警告:美国国债可能沦为垃圾债券  国际货币基金组织(IMF)周三表示,美国已成为全球财政赤字水平最高的发达经济体,并敦促未来的两年中需要进行历来最大规模的削赤行动调整。IMF还警告称,美国对债务的处理方法缺乏「可信度」,债务不断增长可能再度引发新一轮全球经济危机。




  IMF在半年度《财政监测》(Fiscal Monitor)中指出,根据现有计划,到2016年,美国将成为除日本以外公共债务还在增长的唯一一个发达国家,这将给全球经济带来风险。IMF财政事务主管科塔雷利(Carlo Cottarelli)表示,这个风险如果成为现实,将给全球其它地区带来非常惨重的影响。因此,美国整顿财政宜早不宜迟,这一点十分重要。



  全球最大债券基金太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)创始人兼联席投资长、债券大王格罗斯(Bill Gross)表示,美国财赤预计将在下一财年达到1.5万亿美元,这是美国领导人的失败。他还预言,若政府不改革社会保险和社会福利等权益计划,还将产生1万亿美元赤字。格罗斯不断做空美国政府相关债券及美国国债,他对美国政府债务前景感到相当悲观,担忧美国失去「AAA」主权信用评级,甚至直斥美国债券为「垃圾债券」。










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