华尔街的本质:玩股票的开赌场的不可不看 “COPY RIGHT”

作者:weileguojia  于 2010-11-19 00:18 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



When I was a young broker working the commodities trading floors on Wall Street in the late seventies, and later
 as a portfolio manager in the eighties, I faced a terrible dilemma …
Before landing on Wall Street — an idealistic graduate of Brigham Young University in Utah — I believed, as you
may, that America’s stock markets provide an essentially equal opportunity for all.
But as an industry insider, I soon learned that the stock markets are more like rigged casinos,
teaming with twenty-four-hour-a-day manipulators… round-the-clock schemers… and compulsive
liars who’d tell their widowed mothers to bail out of a hot stock if they wanted to buy her position.
Like a secret subway under the streets of Manhattan, there is an old boys’ network that connects the
investments banks and brokerage houses trusted by thousands of individual investors.
Once material news about a given stock becomes public knowledge, the insiders have been whispering about it 
for weeks or months– and the real profit has already been skimmed off the top.
Worse – top brokerage executives and analysts have been caught red-handed taking what multi-million dollar 
“bribes” in return forurging you to buy the stocks of companies they know full well are cooking their books
 and recklessly inflating their earnings.
Predictably, investors have been beaten to a pulp by these sordid practices for as much as 99.9% of their money.
And don’t kid yourself about financial “reform” – within weeks, the thieves will be weaseling their way 
around the new regulations and stealing your money again.
It’s always been this way, and it always will be on Wall Street – for one very simple reason: That’s 
where the money is. The rules of the game may change, but the song remains the same. I’m sorry 
if that’s too blunt for you…but it’s the honest truth.
And it’s sickening. Millions of otherwise prudent, intelligent people are buying Wall Street’s lies hook,
line and sinker. They’re placing their life savings and retirement nest eggs into the hands of sharks
who can transform your comfortable retirement into a painful future of greeting shoppers at Wal-
That’s why in 1989 I turned my back on Wall Street forever. After spending almost 8 years in the
underbelly of the beast and witnessing firsthand pure, unbridled greed and corruption…I
swore I would dedicate the rest of my working life to helping the little guy. 

In the early days of my career at the big wire houses I specialized in trading financial futures and
As a big time trader, risk had to be strictly managed. To do so required access to sophisticated
information systems and real-time trading data that at the time was only available to insiders.
Using these tools, I developed a proprietary risk management model.
In 1986 I began applying this “Early Warning System” model to mutual funds and individual
stocks…and in doing so, I made a shocking discovery…
I realized it was much more than an incredibly good risk management tool and indicator of a stock’s
true intrinsic value. Astonishingly, this proprietary model allowed me to spot potential insider-trading activity, and
accurately foretell big up or downside moves in the stocks I was monitoring. 
In the summer of 1987, my models stared flashing red, signaling Wall Street insiders were beginning
to short sell huge blocks of the very same stocks they’d been aggressively pushing on investors in
the previous run-up.
Immediately, I sprang to action. Without notifying my superiors, I tipped off my clients. Those who listened 
avoided the infamous Black Monday crash that appeared “mysteriously” out of nowhere to destroy the life 
savings of millions of ill-prepared investors.
I was severely reprimanded for my actions…and I left Wall Street defiantly shortly thereafter to begin 
publishing my findings openly in anindependent newsletter.
Ever since, I’ve used this same remarkable system over and over again to help individual investors like you 
keep your money safe and growing.
In October 2007, my Early Warning System again went off like a five-alarm fire. It told me that the global 
markets were headed for a HUGE sell-off.









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