
作者:野木耳  于 2009-10-24 20:03 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



今晨读新闻,得知南极科考探险船在过赤道进入南半球后遇到最强烈风暴,现已接近所罗门群岛, 今后风浪更大,坐过船者都知道晕船的滋味,探险船员在人迹罕至的海域航行,一边应付滔天巨浪,一边还要坚持工作,艰难可想而知, 令人感念。不揣浅陋,也为勇士探险湿几行,祝福他们战胜风浪和一切困难,平安抵达目的地!

云雨兴巨浪 不祥涌胸间

雪龙赴极地 勇士要探险

怒海接南天 所罗门不远

餐厅食客稀 都被船晕翻

小吴亦熬煎 忍痛把饭咽

青春做日记 意志克艰难

飘摇云水间 满船是硬汉

颠簸上甲板 科考不休闲

沧海横流湍 真经取不完

船长与船员 日夜忙值班

机房如火炎 总师勤查看

厨师吐苦胆 黎明备特餐

青椒添辛辣 色拉舒胃腩

前程更凶险 队长作动员

恶浪埋伏关 意志胜考验

队长是老袁 父耗昨日传

忠孝难两全 使命高于天

榜样振心弦 领导好示范

破浪勇向前 探险谱新篇


题:摇不止的船 摇不垮的人——“雪龙”号遭遇起航以来最大风浪侧记

China's Antarctic expedition experiences worst storms since takeoff


"Cloudy and rainy, a force 7-8 gale, a swell of 3-3.5 meters, with the highest at 4..." Wu Rongrong got a sinking feeling in his heart when reading the weather forecast for next day.

  自19日穿越赤道后,正在执行中国第26次南极考察任务的“雪龙”号在南太平洋上的所罗门群岛附近遭遇起航以来的最大风浪,连续多日在海上颠簸摇摆。船头撞击起的涌浪不时溅起20多米高的浪花,像脱缰野马般冲向位于“雪龙”号顶层的驾驶台外窗,霎时间,驾驶员的前方视 野一片模糊。

Along with other 250 crew members aboard China's Xuelong (Snow Dragon) vessel, Wu, a young researcher at the China Polar Research Center, was experiencing the worst storm since the vessel embarked on its 26th Antarctic expedition on Oct. 11 from Shanghai.

   每秒18米左右的大风,让站在甲板上的人不由得抓紧了桅杆,却仍担心一不小心就会被吹落海里。深蓝的海水不时翻卷 起白色的涌浪,仿佛一只张开大嘴、露出白色牙齿的巨兽,欲将“雪龙”号吞噬。为了尽量保持船体平衡,“雪龙”号始终与涌浪保持一定夹角航行,但仍难以抵御 风浪的袭击,一会儿被推上浪尖,一会儿又被卷向一侧,令人仿佛置身于游乐园中的“海盗船”上,心随着船的起伏而忽上忽下,直至绞作一团。

Xuelong, now navigating in the sea nearing South Pacific Solomon islands, has been sailing through the rough seas since it crossed the equator and entered the southern hemisphere on Monday.


The dining room on the vessel, which could accommodate more than 100 people, was frequented by just 20-odd crew members in the past few days, as most have been felled by seasickness.

Wu, himself was plagued by seasickness, took pains to manage to eat some food.


"I have been telling myself that a man can lie down but should never break down. While facing hardships, we must rely on will power to overcome difficulties," Wu wrote in his diary.

Wu is not the only one on the vessel who faced up to high waves and gale winds.

   船摇任它摇。大洋考察队员们仍坚持着每日3至4次的走航观测,收集海洋生物、海洋化学、海洋物理、大气等数据和样 品。“越是风浪大的海区,获取的数据越宝贵,如果不是遇到极其恶劣的海况,走航观测一天都不会停止,”大洋考察组组长、中国科学院海洋研究所高级工程师张 永山说。

No matter how heavily the ship is wallowing, scientists aboard are still conducting ship-based observation every six hours on the deck.

"The most valuable data is collected on rough seas," said Zhang Yongshan, senior engineer from the Oceanology Institute under the China Academy of Sciences, who is in charge of the ship-based observation.

  为了保证船舶在大风大浪中安全航行,“雪龙”号船员们加强了驾驶台值守与动力设备检修。船长王建忠和大副朱兵带着甲 板部的船员们昼夜值守在驾驶台上,为“雪龙”号指引航向;轮机长黄嵘则率领手下定时在气温高达四五十摄氏度的机舱巡查,保证“雪龙”号的动力系统正常运行。

To ensure the vessel's safety when sailing through the treacherous waters, captain Wang Jianzhong and his colleagues are on duty day and night on the navigation bridge, while chief engineer Huang Rong regularly inspects the engine room, where temperature is as high as 40 to 50 degrees Celsius.

 最为辛苦的是5名随船厨师。尽管也有不同程度的晕船反应,但在大厨包志相的带领下,厨工师傅们仍坚持每天凌晨5点起 床,为考察队员们准备一天的饭菜。为了增加晕船队员的食欲,厨师们在每顿正餐中都增加了清淡的素菜、面条和稀饭。细心的包大厨还特意将青椒、香菜等拌在一 起,做成“老虎菜”给大家开胃,让队员们“翻江倒海”的肠胃得到不少“抚慰”。

Seasick as they are, the five cooks on-board get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to prepare food for the crew. They make a special spicy salad with green pepper so that seasick crew members can have a better appetite.

  领队袁绍宏常用与众不同的方法“鼓励”晕船的队员们:“还有更大的风浪在等着我们。”这个常年穿梭于地球南北两极的 “雪龙”号老船长,10月22日上午收到父亲因心肌梗塞去世的消息,却将悲痛藏匿于心底。驾驶台、气象室、机舱、住舱……他关心着船舶航行的每一丝动态, 也关心着每一个考察队员的健康与心情。

"More violent waves are in store for us, yet the strong will of our team is unshakable," Yuan Shaohong, team leader of the expedition, told the crew.

On receiving the sad news of his father's death due to a heart attack on Thursday, Yuan restrained his grief and worked as usual, paying close attention to every detail in work and taking care of every member of the team.


"The team leader is our role model," said Wu. "No amount of sea waves can deter us from reaching and exploring the Antarctica."

Source: Xinhua










发表评论 评论 (13 个评论)

1 回复 fanlaifuqu 2009-10-24 20:43
1 回复 野木耳 2009-10-24 21:59
fanlaifuqu: 木耳早!
2 回复 琼台鹤 2009-10-24 22:07
1 回复 野木耳 2009-10-24 22:21
琼台鹤: 木耳兄好!
2 回复 fanlaifuqu 2009-10-24 23:29
2 回复 人間的盒子 2009-10-24 23:40
2 回复 越湖 2009-10-25 00:00
2 回复 野木耳 2009-10-25 01:19
越湖: 随便都能拈出一首长诗,还是琅琅上口的,那个佩服啊。
1 回复 野木耳 2009-10-25 01:20
人間的盒子: 木儿好认真。周末快乐!
2 回复 人間的盒子 2009-10-25 01:34
野木耳: 盒子好,怒海行船,惊心动魄啊。
1 回复 绿水潭 2009-10-25 03:36
3 回复 野木耳 2009-10-26 03:37
绿水潭: 好湿!
3 回复 之风 2009-10-28 23:28

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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