
作者:散落的雪  于 2007-3-21 07:09 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


People say I baby him too much. Well, just look at him, and how wouldn’t you? Besides, he is my baby, a lovely one.

The mean reason actually is because there used to be a dog associated with my life before him. Very unfortunately, he died of cancer when he was only 7 years old.  Otherwise, he could have had another 7 years.

At that time, the evil cancer spread rapidly all over him, in his bones, lungs, stomach and eyes.  He had a very hard time to move around and breathe so hard and loud with limited visions.

One day, he suddenly collapsed, we rushed him to the vet.  When we got there, he stumbled out of the car, and that was when I found out he lost his sight completely. My heart just shivered, I squatted down and carried him right away. Even he was still more that 80 pounds.

After the doctor visiting, I had to make the most crucial decision that to put him into sleep. When the nurse was preparing his shot, he shifted his body closer against me tight; laid his head on my arm wanted me to pet him.  It seemed like he knew everything and he just want to hold on to the sweet moment for the last time. My heart was broken into a thousand pieces, and kept bleeding while he was getting the shot; I had to use all my strength to freeze my tears, because they could sense human emotions. I just wanted to give him a peace of mind for the last memory.

Finally, he rest peacefully in heaven!

Now, I just want my little stormy live happily forever…what a dream!











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