Getting Old Anyway

作者:散落的雪  于 2007-4-14 04:35 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:The way I look at it|通用分类:其它日志|已有1评论

天气: 晴转雨
心情: 平静

In general, people don't like the idea of getting old, especially when they reach their 30's, 40's and so on.

Probably, a person would grumble about it at least once every ten years when he or she enters the the new decade. It doesn’t feel like a Happy Birthday inside, because you don’t want to admit the fact that you are getting old.

Well, this is pretty normal.  But, why don't  we open the window and look at the other way?  No matter if you are turning from your 20’s to 30’s or 30’s to 40’s and …Just think about that there is a brand new beginning of another ten years. You have a whole ten years to fix up the things you damaged before , or you just simply perfect the things you could have done better.

Then at the end of each ten years, you will be much happier in looking back and thinking, “I have accomplished…” and really have a meaningful, happy birthday.  

Just take off the burden you have created in your mind, go ahead celebrate all your birthdays.

See the beautiful things around the old tree...

You have to read this with the background music on











发表评论 评论 (1 个评论)

0 回复 苦柚子 2007-4-14 15:13
到了你这,总让人感觉一阵惊喜,So beautiful .

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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