
作者:roy737  于 2007-7-29 12:20 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村








Dear Stu and all,

 ALPA Japan had a meeting with JCAB on Akara-Fukue Corridor and Chinese RVSM on 15th. Persons who attended from JCAB were Mr. Yoshiki Imawaka, Director for International Policy Coordination ATS Systems Planning Division, and Natsuki Ibe, Chief, Operations Section, Air Traffic Control Division.

Imawaka is a person whom Stu met in the last DGCA meeting.

Our members were Koichi Sano (former RVP NOP), Tsutomu Mizozoe (Chairman of ATS Committee), Daisuke Otsuka (member of ATS Committee) and I.

 The meeting was finished in very friendly and productively mood. We clearly understood this AKARA-FUKUE Corridor problem is a political issue between Chinese and Korean Governments. Imawaka explained the history on this corridor at the beginning.

 When A593 was established by strong request of IATA on 1983, the problem of FIR boundary was not completely cleared. Korean Government recognized the west boundary of Taegue FIR (former name of Incheon FIR) was 125 degrees E (LAMEN) that had been confirmed by ICAO before China joined ICAO.

But Chinese Government had insisted 124 degrees E (SADLI) to be the East boundary of Chinese FIR after China joined ICAO.

But Chinese Government agreed the west boundary was LAMEN when established A593.  However Chinese Government still sticks to the east boundary to be SADLI even now. So, when discussing the revision of the agreement of AKARA-FUKUE Corridor, it can’t be carried without touching FIR boundary. When discussing FIR boundary, only the highest political judgment seems to solve the problem.

And even discussing new lower altitude in this corridor means the revision of the agreement for both Chinese and Korean Governments.

Imawaka said that he can't understand why Shanghai control doesn't approve crossing LAMEN at FL230 or above reaching FL250 by SADLI. It'll be better to ask this question to Chinese CAA from ALPA China.

Metric RVSM in A593 would be impossible to implement without solving many problems on this route.

 China wants to increase traffic on A593 because of Beijing Olympic and the International Trade Fair in Shanghai, etc.  Also the traffic between Korea and Hong Kong via Cheju VOR to join A593 at NIRAT and the traffic vice versa are growing in several years. There’s no direct communication line between Incheon control and Shanghai control, Fukuoka control is relaying those traffic information to Incheon control and Shanghai control.

There exist some conditions in both China and Korea that will work to solve this problem. But we seem to have nothing of effective measure at present time.

 Sharing information of ALPA China vs Chinese CAA and ALPA Korea vs Korean CAA will help other bodies to drive this issue. I want to keep a closed communication in possible range. 

 Some more about the history

At the very beginning this area was Japanese FIR. After the World War Second, all ATC system was under the rule of US Army in Japan and Korea. When finishing the rule of US Army, Korean Government insisted supported by US Army to change this area into Taegue FIR like present form. Japanese Government opposed this proposal but it was adopted by majority at ICAO Meeting on 1962.

Then the friendship between China and Japan was reestablished September 1972. Since the friendship between China and Korea was not established at that time, the first flight (August 1974) between Tokyo and Beijing took the route A1 via Kagoshima detouring Taegue FIR to the south and went up to north via Shanghai. Then it was shortened a little on1980 detouring to the south of the Thaeg FIR via Fukue. Further shorten airway A593 was established on 1983.

 Kind regards,

 Tsutomu Ishiyama

Link URL: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/59223c7f01000be0









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