
作者:roy737  于 2007-7-29 12:20 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




    国际驾联(IFALPA)亚太地区年会近日在新西兰举行,厦航飞行员协会应邀参加。会上,厦航代表陈建国机长作了关于中国大陆地区区域导航特点的报告,就大陆地区空域规划、RVSM规划、3大区域管制中心的整合等做了介绍,并一一解答了日本、韩国、新加坡等国家对航空器在中国运行时出现的问题和困惑。国际驾联地区负责人carole  couchman对厦航代表作的报告给予了高度肯定。亚太区域执行副主席对中国民航锐意改革,紧跟国际民航发展的做法表示赞赏和敬佩。http://www.xiamenair.com.cn/news/xnview2.asp?id=2006121102


    在12月4-8号在巴厘岛召开的43RD DGCA会议(CONFERENCE OF DIRECTORS GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION ASIA AND PACIFIC REGIONS)各国政府代表,国际驾联亚太地区区域主席和一些ICAO的RVSM专家都参加了会议,会后亚太主席给我们各国成员介绍了在这次会议上中国提出的RVSM方案,提供所有飞行员协会进行讨论。在随后的日子,亚太地区的大部分国家飞行员协会RVSM相关人员都参加了讨论,因为这个问题涉及中国,而我当时是中国的唯一代表,责无旁贷的加入其中,就此问题一直和他们讨论。其实在讨论的后期,我已经从厦航辞职,可是我的遭遇我从来没有给他们讲过,家丑不能外扬,这点廉耻是起码的底线。












 Hi Roy and all,

 The attached paper is from China and concerns the proposed implementation of RVSM in China using metric altimetry.

 The summary of the proposal and rationale is below. In early discussions on this paper last night with the FAA representative in Beijing we are not likely to make any significant change. I did ask about loosing the 100 feet and he concurred but was not sure about who(m) might need to take responsibility for a change about that aspect. He also concurred with rejecting the reference table/map. Also discussed this paper with Don Spruston IBAC. I have yet to see Dave Berhens from IATA Singapore.

 This issue may not get the full attention of the DGCA meeting as consideration of the volume of papers requires editing on a large scale.

 I must say that IFALPA as an organisation has very little capital to trade directly on this matter at the DGCA meeting. However I can get to talk to the main players here informally.

 As an opening suggestion, it may be useful for a small number of MA to contact their regulator to influence their position on this matter from home and I will help channel this at this end in Bali? The position of the FAA, Japan, Hong Kong Australia and Singapore may be a useful step in effecting change to this proposal.

 Best Regards

 Stu Julian

 Thus, between 8900meters and 12500meters, all the actual vertical separations during flight for

Boeing, Airbus and internationally manufactured aircraft will be 1000 feet.

Detailed RVSM metric flight level option: fly eastward: 8900, 9500, 10100, 10700, 11300, 11900,

12500meters, etc; fly westward: 9200, 9800, 10400, 11000, 11600, and 12200meters. Corresponding feet

flight levels: fly eastward: 29100, 31100, 33100, 35100, 37100, 39100, 41100feet; fly westward: 30100,

32100, 34100, 36100, 38100, and 40,100 feet.

 Advantages: Satisfy military requirements of applying metric flight levels, and overcome the

relatively big altitude difference between metric RVSM flight level and ICAO RVSM flight levels of

neighbouring countries; eliminate the phenomena of 900feet vertical separation and make the vertical

separation during actual flight be 1000feet or above to ensure safety. For metric flight level, east bound

flight level is odd and west bound flight level is even. For the corresponding RVSM flight levels (from

29100 to 41100) in feet, each flight level is 100 feet above ICAO RVSM FL, so it is very easy for pilot to

operate and use, and it is also easy for the transition to/from neighbouring countries RVSM FL. Airspace

from 8900meters to 12500meters is defined as RVSM Airspace, so 500 meters vertical separation between

8400 to 8900m can act as an buffer and NON-RVSM aircraft will fly at and below 8400 m or above 12500

m. Pilots shall use the China RVSM FL reference table/map and strictly fly the corresponding flight level

in feet when instructed to fly a specific metric flight level. The pilots DO NOT need to remember how to

round off (up or down), just follow the China RVSM FL reference table/map.

 Disadvantages: In the case of 12500 meters, 1253 (which means 12530 meters) may be shown on

the radar display of the controller due to the difference between the actual flight altitude and RVSM

metric flight level (The maximum difference is only 90feet and the maximum difference displayed by

radar is 30 meters. As indicated in ICAO DOC4444, The tolerance value used to determine that Mode C derived

level information displayed to the controller is accurate shall be ±60 m (±200 ft) in RVSM

airspace. An aircraft is considered to be maintaining its assigned level as long as the SSR Mode C-derived

level information indicates that it is within ±60 m (±200 ft) tolerance of the assigned level). The controller

should be well aware of this and also adapt to it. Certainly, this kind of phenomena also exists in the flight

levels presently used in China which the controllers are already familiar with. Through RVSM radar

simulation in Guangzhou Area Control Center, the controllers think that this kind of phenomena can be

overcome with necessary training.


Hi Stu,

Thanks for the information on the proposal from China for metric RVSM.

 Obviously, the military requirement to be able to fly metric altitudes is a significant and probably the driving factor for the proposal.

With the increase of glass cockpit and Air Data Computer derived altitude information, I believe it would be a good idea to try to quantify the affect on the military aircraft involved.

The number of aircraft not able to maintain the levels proposed less 30m should be very small and getting even smaller with each passing year. I think that all imported aircraft to China for the past decade, at least, have had multi unit select ability ie feet vs metre switching.

How many flights are made by the military in aircraft unable to conform to feet based flight levels?

Significantly, one has to ask how many aircraft operating in China that are RVSM certified do not have the ability to show FL data?

 I know that we all appreciate the efforts being made to facilitate RVSM implementation in China and we all have a desire to do this in the simplest and most transparent manner that will not lead to further significant effort in the future.

 Roy gave a great briefing on the challenges for reform in AKL and I hope that he will be able to continue to assist.





Link URL: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/59223c7f01000anv









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