
作者:广南子  于 2007-10-28 06:15 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Daniel Sheehan

Gary Allen

Mark Romine

Kenneth Paul Soong

Dennis Drenner

Kevin Quinlan
The little girl looks up at the older boy with adoration, and he sheepishly is so pleased about it.

Mark Newman
Very sweet moment. The little boy's tight grip on his dance partner is so charming.

Ron Storer
The bride is pouting while the groom is smirking in the background. Even though they are old enough to get married and are asking to be thought of as an adult married couple, they are still young enough to have fun.

Steve Schaefer

Janet Hudson Schroeder

Rick Collins

Steve Warmowski

Peter Pawinski

Buffy Goodman

Vladimir Chaloupka

Jeff Newsom
I saw many shots like this one (holding polaroid over face) but most didn't fit the subject or the situation. This one does.

Ralph Heinze

Kevin Bergthold

Cooper Carras

Jonathan Adams

Jonathan Kirshner

Kathi Littwin

Jonathan Adams

Paul Johnson

Bill Holland

Christopher Gendron

Kristin Reimer
Again, raw and honest. The tattoos make the image perfect, such emotion and such company!

Evrim Icoz

Richard Esposito

Daria Bishop

Richard Esposito

Charlotte Geary

Stacey Kane

Britta Trygstad

Juliana Wiklund

Kevin Millard

Lina Jang

Matt Kim

John Zich

Jennifer Stanton

Anna Kuperberg

Jonathan Adams

Genevieve Nisly

Michael Barber

Rebecca Blissett

Leda Zych

Meg Baisden

Bruce Benson

Robin Parrott

Todd Hougas

Angela Lang

Eric Graf

Craig Mitchelldyer

Ira Lippke

Greg Gibson

Ira Lippke

Joanne Dunn

Mindy Sonshine

Josh Johnston

Michele Waite

Julie Gelfand

Meg Baisden

Charlotte Geary

Scott Juarez
This one really made me laugh. What better than an old-fashioned shotgun wedding?

Stacey Kane

Robert Kaussner

Karin von Voigtlander

Craig Mitchelldyer

Stacey Kane

Carl Walsh

Michele Waite

Natalie Galyon
The whimsy and unexpectedness of the bride with boots walking through a field was wonderful.

source: Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA)









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