
作者:广南子  于 2008-1-5 17:35 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Most men say they would love to get flowers and most women love floralgifts as well. Now here is something you may not know: Color Talks!

Although it is commonly accepted that all roses convey warmth andaffection, the person receiving them may know and understand themeaning of roses colors and the symbolic message conveyed. It would benice to insure that you are communicating the right message to thatspecial person.

Read on to find the meaning of the color of roses! Different colours -- different meanings.

Roses in mixed colors: "you're everything to me."
Red roses: romance, beauty, respect, courage, passionate love and unity
Red & White roses together: unity or togetherness.
Dark pink roses: appreciation and gratitude,"thank you!"
White roses: unity, loyalty, reverence, humility, sincerity, purity, silence and innocence as well as youthfulness.
Yellow roses: friendship,familiar love and domestic happiness, "remember me" , "I am sorry', or "I care."
Pink roses: elegance, gracefulness, refinement, gentility,  and poeticromance but being combined with fun and light-heartedness.
Light pink roses: admiration, sympathy, gentleness, grace, gladness, joy, friendship and sweetness.
The combination of red roses and pink roses: strong romance and passion.
Black roses: a major change in the future.
Purple roses: enhancement, magnification, opulence, majesty and glory,"I will always love you!"
Blue roses: fantasies, hoping for miracles, new opportunities and possibilities.
Orange roses: enthusiasm, desire and fascination, "I am proud of you!"
Peach roses: desire, anticipation, sincere appreciat的ion and optimism for the future.
Pale peach roses: symbol of modesty.
Different quantities -- different meanings

1 rose: love at first sight,you are the only one
2 roses: Mutual feelings,a commitment, an engagement or coming marriage
3 roses: I love you
5 roses: I love you very much
6 roses: I love you, I miss you
7 roses: I'm infatuated with you
9 roses:I'll love you forever
10 roses:You're pretty
11 roses:You're my treasured one
12 roses:"I love you" and I am grateful for your presence
13 roses:Forever friends
15 roses:I'm really sorry
20 roses:I'm sincere towards you
21 roses:I'm committed to you
24 roses:You're always on my mind
25 roses: Congratulations.
36 roses: I'll remember our romantic moments
40 roses: My love is genuine
99 roses: I'll love you till the day i die
100 roses:100% love, I'm totally devoted to you
101 roses: Best of all, you're my one and only
108 roses: Proposal,"Will you marry me?"
365 roses: I love you every single day
999 roses: my love will last till the end of time

1朵玫瑰代表——我的心中只有你 ONLY YOU!
2朵玫瑰代表—— 这世界只有我俩!
3朵玫瑰代表—— 我爱你 I LOVE YOU!
4朵玫瑰代表—— 至死不渝!
5朵玫瑰代表—— 由衷欣赏!
6朵玫瑰代表—— 互敬互爱互谅!
7朵玫瑰代表—— 我偷偷地爱著你!
8朵玫瑰代表—— 感谢你的关怀扶持及鼓励!
9朵玫瑰代表—— 长久 ALWAYS!
10朵玫瑰代表—— 十全十美无懈可击!
11朵玫瑰代表—— 最爱只在乎你一人!
12朵玫瑰代表—— 对你的爱与日俱增!
13朵玫瑰代表—— 友谊长存!
14朵玫瑰代表—— 骄傲!
15朵玫瑰代表—— 对你感到歉意I'M SORRY!
16朵玫瑰代表—— 多变不安的爱情!
17朵玫瑰代表—— 绝望无可挽回的爱!
18朵玫瑰代表—— 真诚与坦白!
19朵玫瑰代表—— 忍耐与期待!
20朵玫瑰代表—— 我仅一颗赤诚的心!
21朵玫瑰象征—— 真诚的爱!
22朵玫瑰象征—— 祝你好运!
25朵玫瑰象征—— 祝你幸福!
30朵玫瑰象征—— 信是有缘!
36朵玫瑰象征—— 浪漫!
40朵玫瑰象征—— 誓死不渝的爱情!
50朵玫瑰象征—— 邂逅不期而遇!
99朵玫瑰象征—— 天长地久 FOREVER!
100朵玫瑰象征—— 百分之百的爱 100% LOVE!
101朵玫瑰象征—— 最……最爱!
108朵玫瑰象征—— 求婚!
111朵玫瑰代表—— 无尽的爱
144朵玫瑰代表—— 爱你日日月月生生世世
365朵玫瑰代表—— 想你在每天
999朵玫瑰代表—— 天长地久、爱无止境
1001朵玫瑰代表—— 直到永远









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