
作者:广南子  于 2008-3-27 18:25 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Tibetans living in Taiwancarry a portrait of the Dalai Lama in Taipei to protest against humanrights violations by the Chinese government in Tibet

Tibetan monks carry portraitsof Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama during a protest in Dharamsala,India, against China's crackdown on Tibetan protesters

Tibetan protesters led byBuddhist monks shout slogans as they carry the Tibetan flag during aprotest near the historic Labrang monastery, which is second only toLhasa's Potala Palace in size, in the town of Xiahe, Gansu Province

Chinese riot police guard abridge leading to the Labrang Monastery in Xiahe, Gansu Province,yesterday to block protesters from nearing the monastery after Friday'sdemonstrations. More clashes between monks and security forces werereported yesterday in Xiahe

Tibetan Buddhist monks andscores of supporters of Tibet hold a candlelight vigil outside theTaiwan Democracy Memorial Hall in Taipei

The Dalai Lama gestures whiletalking with media representatives yesterday in Dharamsala, India. Heappealed for calm in Tibet and ``good relations'' with China, butoffered to quit as head of the Tibetan government-in-exile if violenceworsens









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