
作者:桑儿  于 2009-6-9 01:16 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Dear Parents,
We are aware that many of you have already heard the tragic news regarding one of our Reception class families. This is obviously an extremely difficult time for this particular family, but also our school community as a whole.
We would like to reassure you that we will be closely monitoring all of the children within the Reception class and supporting them as appropriate over the coming weeks.
The following reminders for parents and carers are some key points taken from the Winston's Wish site. These may be of use to you whilst supporting your own child.
. Remeber that 'super parents' don't exist. Just do what you can, when you can. Be gentle on yourself.
. There is more than one way to support your childre. Choose the things that you feel most comfortable with.
. Accept that some things just can't be 'made better' in a short space of time.
. Talk to children using words they understand and ask questions to check they have understood you.
. Give information a bit at a time if your children are younger. Pieces of the 'jigsaw puzzle' can be put together over time to make the complete picture.
. Show children how you are feeling: it helps them to know that it's OK to show their feelings too.
. Encourage children to ask questions and keep answering them - even if it's for the 100th time.
. Try to find ways in which children can be involved.
. Keep talking about the person who has died.
. Trust yourself and your instincts - you haven't forgotten how to parent your child.
. Look after yourself too.
Our thoughts are with you all at this time.
Ms N Peters (Headteacher)









发表评论 评论 (8 个评论)

0 回复 水影儿 2009-6-9 01:18

'super parents' don't exist. Just do what you can, when you can. Be gentle on yourself.
2 回复 marnifan 2009-6-9 01:41
Accept that some things just can't be 'made better' in a short space of time.
2 回复 rongrongrong 2009-6-9 02:06
1 回复 xinsheng 2009-6-9 03:22
Trust yourself and your instincts - you haven't forgotten how to parent your child.
2 回复 蒲公英 2009-6-9 04:47
very nice letter.
0 回复 任飞飞 2009-6-9 07:13
Nice headteacher~~~
1 回复 野木耳 2009-6-10 01:38
1 回复 rtc4rtc 2009-6-10 05:16

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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