歌曲“Carefree Highway” 欣赏

作者:qizhong8  于 2022-2-27 01:31 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村










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2 回复 qizhong8 2022-2-27 01:32
Picking up the pieces of my sweet shattered dream
I wonder how the old folks are tonight?
Her name was Ann
And I'll be damned if I recall her face
She left me not knowing what to do
Carefree highway
Let me slip away on you
Carefree highway
You've seen better days
The morning after blues
From my head down to my shoes
Carefree highway
Let me slip away, slip away on you
Turning back the pages to the times I love best
I wonder if she'll ever do the same?
Now the thing that I call living
Is just being satisfied
With knowing I got no one left to blame
Carefree highway
I've got to see you my old flame
Carefree highway
You've seen better days
The morning after blues
From my head down to my shoes
Carefree highway
Let me slip away, slip away on you
Searching through the fragments
Of my dream shattered sleep
I wonder if the years have closed her mind?
I guess it must be wanderlust or trying to get free
From the good old faithful feeling we once knew
Carefree highway
Let me slip away on you
Carefree highway
You've seen the better days
The morning after blues
From my head down to my shoes
Carefree highway
Let me slip away, slip away on you
Let me slip away on you
Carefree highway
I've got to see you my old flame
Carefree highway
You've seen better days
The morning after blues
From my head down to my shoes
Carefree highway
Let me slip away, slip away on you
2 回复 qizhong8 2022-2-27 01:34

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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