歌曲“From A Distance"欣赏- tribute to the Ukraine war

作者:qizhong8  于 2022-4-16 04:58 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村










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3 回复 qizhong8 2022-4-16 05:05
很有感情色彩的歌,提出了很多难以解答的问题。歌中唱着“God is watching us......", 人类确实是有原罪的,也许从另一个角度来看,地球上的一切就是某种高级生命正在进行的残酷的实验。
2 回复 qizhong8 2023-3-25 11:26
AI的歌评:The lyrics of "From a Distance" suggest that one way to make sense of the seemingly nonsensical world is to view it from a distance, both physically and metaphorically. From a distance, the world can look harmonious and peaceful, with no guns, bombs, or disease, and everyone having enough. The song suggests that this distant perspective can bring hope and a sense of unity, as if we are all instruments in a common band playing songs of hope and peace.

The lyrics also imply that it can be difficult to comprehend the fighting and conflict that occurs in the world when viewed up close. However, from a distance, even those who may be at war can appear as friends. The song suggests that the hope of hopes, the love of loves, and the heart of every man can be found from this distant perspective, reminding us that God is watching us from afar.

Overall, the song offers a message of hope and unity in a world that can often seem chaotic and divided. By looking at the world from a distance and recognizing our shared humanity, we may find a way to make sense of the seemingly nonsensical world.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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