
作者:chineseman  于 2023-3-29 02:45 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




福特的报告称, 2023 年,它将在电动汽车上亏损 30 亿美元。


福特对 Rivian 电动汽车的投资无济于事。 去年,这家初创电动皮卡车制造商斥资 220,000 美元生产售价为 81,000 美元的电动汽车。

这对乔治索罗斯和 CalPERS 来说是个坏消息:加州庞大的公共雇员退休基金和一个拥有数十万股 Rivian 股票的定时炸弹。

通用汽车和福特都预计他们的电动汽车将在几年内实现盈利。 福特计划到 2025 年每年生产 200 万辆电动汽车。考虑到福特在 2022 年仅售出 61,575 辆电动汽车,这个目标令人瞠目结舌。它在 2023 2 月仅售出了 3,624 辆电动汽车。这距离 200 万还有太长的路要走。

通用汽车计划到 2025 年销售 100 万辆电动汽车。它在 2022 年销售了不到 4 万辆。

如果通用汽车和福特有热门产品和未开发的市场需求,那么这样的预测可能是有道理的。 相反,有太多的电动汽车模型在追逐一个小市场。 电动车销量至今仍未突破百万大关。 大部分电动汽车活动继续集中在豪华 SUV 市场,只有这么多买家能够负担得起。

即使是“负担得起”的电动汽车,如通用汽车的 Bolt,起价为 30,000 美元,公司出售每辆车的损失高达 9,000 美元。



2035年后,如果你想在加州买一辆新车,要么买电动车,要么什么也买不到。 加利福尼亚州对汽车制造商处以罚款,迫使他们从特斯拉等电动汽车制造商那里购买信贷,为电动汽车行业提供资金。 2035 年,加州将完全消除竞争。

纽约、新泽西、俄勒冈和华盛顿也已采取行动禁止销售新的汽车。 大约十几个民主党州也做出了类似的决定,禁止居民购买汽车。 弗吉尼亚州众议院投票决定取消其汽车禁令,但该州的参议院民主党人保留了该禁令。 在欧盟通过后,拜登在全国范围内提出了类似的禁令。

2040 年,通用汽车预计将以此类禁令为前提停止制造和销售汽车。

据报道,乔治·索罗斯 (George Soros) 在他的 Rivian 投资中损失了超过 10 亿美元,而他的其他电动汽车投资可能看起来摇摇欲坠,但从长远来看,他支持的左翼政客有望消除竞争,并将汽车从乡村小路和高速公路上清除。

汽车制造商正在花费数十亿美元来制造没有人想要也没有人买得起的电动汽车,因为政府已经向他们保证了一个专属市场。 在所有这些钱都花光了之后,他们的游说者正在积极向立法者施压,要求他们实施新的禁令并维持现有的禁令。 他们还被补贴和税收抵免的承诺所诱惑,这些承诺将使他们摆脱实际盈利的乏味业务。

醒来基金 (Woke funds) 和政党捐助者一直在施加压力,以确保它得到回报。

底特律打赌客户只会接受这是新常态,并且会为更差的性能支付更高的价格,这是一个糟糕的赌注。 电动汽车的授权是民主党的工作,尽管共和党正在成为工人阶级政党,但该政党与富裕精英密切相关。 假设当汽车保有量仍然是经济和社会流动的关键时,一半的国家会接受被定价退出汽车市场的想法既傲慢又愚蠢。即使假设共和党人仍然功能失调且智取成功,无法大幅推翻左翼议程,新车市场仍将大幅萎缩。 美国人将和古巴人一样,将不顾一切地努力让他们的旧车继续行驶,因为对于这个国家的大部分地区来说,这将是唯一的选择。 道路上的非法汽车数量将急剧增加。 但随着限电和能源短缺继续打击加利福尼亚和其他也全力开发太阳能和风能的蓝色州,这些将是唯一真正可以留在路上的汽车。


像他们以前的欧洲同行一样,美国汽车制造商将与政府更加紧密地纠缠在一起。 补贴和销售的反向螺旋将在破产中达到高潮。 底特律未能创新,电动汽车影院无法替代实际做的工作来制造人们想要的汽车,而不是广告公司试图让他们想要的汽车。

让政府命令而不是消费者需求来推动销售受到那些甚至放弃尝试制造有吸引力的产品的公司的欢迎。 如果电动汽车的流行是有道理的,就不需要禁止汽车来使它们在经济上可行。


Electric Cars Are Bankrupting the Auto Industry

Only a government ban on cars can save them.

March 28, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield 23 Comments



Ford reported that it’s going to lose $3 billion on electric cars in 2023.

Unlike most automakers, Ford reports its electric vehicle numbers separately, but experts estimate that most car companies are losing similar amounts on the dead end business.

Ford’s investment in Rivian’s electric cars can’t be helping. Last year the startup electric pickup truck maker was spending $220,000 to make the electric vehicles that it sells for $81,000.

That’s bad news for George Soros and for CalPERS: California’s massive public employees retirement fund and a ticking time bomb which owns hundreds of thousands of shares in Rivian.

GM and Ford both project that their electric cars will be profitable in a few years. Ford plans to make 2 million electric cars every year by 2025. That would be impressive considering that Ford only sold 61,575 of them in 2022. It sold 3,624 electric vehicles in Feb 2023.

That’s a long way from 2 million.

GM plans to sell 1 million electric cars by 2025. It sold less than 40,000 in 2022.

Projections like these might make sense if GM and Ford had hot products and untapped market demand. Instead there are too many electric car models chasing a tiny market. Electric car sales have yet to break the million mark. Most of the electric car activity continues to be concentrated in the luxury SUV market which only has so many buyers able to afford them.

Even the “affordable” electric cars, like GM’s Bolt, start at $30,000, and lose as much as $9,000 for the company.

The only way to create demand for electric cars is through government mandates.

After 2035, if you want to buy a new car in California, it’s electric cars or it’s nothing. California’s mandates that fined car manufacturers, forcing them to buy credits from electric car makers like Tesla, financed the electric car industry. By 2035, California will simply eliminate the competition.

New York, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington have also moved to ban the sale of new cars. About a dozen Democrat states have similarly decided to prevent residents from buying cars. Virginia’s House voted to drop its car ban, but the state’s Senate Democrats have kept it in place. Biden has proposed a similar ban nationwide following its adoption by the EU.

By 2040, GM expects to stop making and selling cars on the assumption of such a ban.

George Soros has reportedly lost over $1 billion with his Rivian investment, and his other electric car investments may seem shaky, but in the long term the leftist politicians he has backed are expected to eliminate the competition and clear cars off the roads and highways.

Automakers are spending billions to build electric cars that no one wants and no one can afford because governments have assured them of a captive market. And after all that money flushed down the drain, their lobbyists are aggressively pressuring legislators to impose new bans and keep the existing bans in place. They’ve also been seduced with the promise of subsidies and tax credits that will free them from the pedestrian business of actually turning a profit.

Woke pension funds and party donors have kept the pressure on to see that it pays off.

Detroit’s bet that customers will just accept this as the new normal and just pay higher prices for worse performance is a bad one. The electric car mandates are the work of a Democrat party that is closely tied to a wealthy elite even as Republicans are becoming a working class party. Assuming that half the country will just accept being priced out of the car market when car ownership remains the key to economic and social mobility is as arrogant as it is clueless.

Even assuming that Republicans remain too dysfunctional and outmaneuvered to significantly roll back the leftist agenda, the new car market will drastically shrink. Americans, like Cubans, will desperately work to keep old cars going because for much of the country they will be the only option. The number of illegal cars on the road will dramatically increase. But as brownouts and energy shortages continue to hammer California and other blue states that have also gone all-in on solar and wind power, those will be the only cars that can actually remain on the road.

Woke car companies will have their monopoly handed to them only to find that it’s worthless.

Like their former European counterparts, American automakers will become even more deeply entangled with the government. The inverse spiral of subsidies and sales will climax in bankruptcies. Detroit has failed to innovate and electric car theater is no substitute for actually doing the work to make the cars that people want rather than the ones ad agencies try to make them want.

Letting government mandates instead of consumer demand drive sales is embraced by companies that have given up on even trying to make an appealing product. If electric vehicles were legitimately popular, it wouldn’t take a ban on cars to make them economically viable.

American automakers used to be revolutionary, now they’re the regime.









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3 回复 8288 2023-3-29 12:13
回复 chineseman 2023-3-31 07:53
8288: 电瓶车的制造一点都不环保

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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