Mandarin Teaching Positions in MA & CA

作者:宜修  于 2012-5-9 23:11 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Part Time Mandarin Teaching Position
Shrewsbury, MA
School Year 2012–2013
PT Mandarin Language Position
Beginning August 2012

Saint John’s High School located in Shrewsbury, MA will have a part-time faculty opening for a Mandarin Language teacher. Saint John's High School is a private Catholic school with enrollment of 1,000 boys and offers an excellent teaching environment with competitive salary/benefits.

Candidates should respond no later than Friday, May 18th by submitting cover letter and current résumé to:

Dr. Jacob Conca, Principal
Saint John's High School
378 Main Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Head-Royce School Employment Notice: Lower School Chinese teacher
Professional Opportunity: Lower School Chinese teacher (Note: this is a 30% part-time position)

Head-Royce School
Founded in 1887, Head-Royce is an independent, non-denominational, coeducational college-preparatory, K-12 school, which offers a challenging educational program to educate the whole child.  The mission of the school is to inspire in our students a life-long love of learning and pursuit of academic excellence, to promote understanding of and respect for the diversity that makes our society strong, and to encourage active and responsible citizenship. More information about the school can be obtained on our

The part-time Lower School Chinese teacher will be responsible for beginning a Mandarin program in grades K through 3. He/she will assume full responsibilities for establishing an appropriate learning environment, providing rich curriculum for developing oral, reading and writing skills, and offering an exploration of Chinese culture, and varied learning activities, while maintaining professional communication with parents.  He/she will work with the Lower School faculty and other World Language teachers to develop the academic program. This program will grow over the following two years to extend from Kindergarten through grade 5.
Lower School faculty take on additional responsibilities ranging from lunch duty to serving on committees and participating in the life of the community.  The school seeks applicants who have a strong academic background, experience in multicultural education, an understanding of young children, and a genuine fondness for working with students in this age group.

The successful applicant will hold at least a Bachelor’s Degree with a credential or Master’s in Education preferred. Teaching experience with elementary school students is essential. In addition, the candidate will preferably be a native speaker possessing familiarity with the best pedagogical approaches for language instruction. We are ideally searching for a candidate who is able to effectively collaborate as a team player within the department and the division, and has experience working in a diverse school environment.

Head-Royce is committed to attracting and retaining outstanding employees through a competitive compensation package.   The school provides a strong professional development program including funding for conferences, advanced education and other unique professional opportunities. 

Application Process
Applicants should send a cover letter and resume in PDF format to: Suzanne Abbey, Head of Lower School via Please put: “LS Chinese” in the subject line of your email. Head-Royce School is an equal opportunity employer.











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1 回复 白露为霜 2012-5-9 23:25
谢谢分享。加州那家(Head-Royce School)是在奥克兰。
2 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 00:33
白露为霜: 谢谢分享。加州那家(Head-Royce School)是在奥克兰。
1 回复 Cristal 2012-5-10 00:53
1 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 00:58
Cristal: 多好的机会啊……
0 回复 Junkkiller 2012-5-10 00:58
0 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 01:01
Junkkiller: 哈哈,宜修的杆子怎么哪棵枣树上的枣都打呀??
对不起。 该不是打着您家院子里的枣儿了?
2 回复 Junkkiller 2012-5-10 01:05
宜修: 对不起。 该不是打着您家院子里的枣儿了?
我家院子没果树,只有poison ivy,有勇气尽管来打
1 回复 Cristal 2012-5-10 01:05
宜修: 应该都是不错的学校。私立学校比公立学校更重视开设中文教学。
1 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 01:11
Junkkiller: 我家院子没果树,只有poison ivy,有勇气尽管来打
1 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 01:12
Cristal: 太远了。不然咱也送份简历。
谁定说不是呢?! 希望村里能有人派上用场。
1 回复 Junkkiller 2012-5-10 01:13
宜修: 啥人呢,养这玩艺儿?!
1 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 01:17
Junkkiller: 天然的
1 回复 Junkkiller 2012-5-10 01:49
宜修: 那也还是有人钟情于它......不然,留着它干啥?
2 回复 Cristal 2012-5-10 02:29
宜修: 谁定说不是呢?! 希望村里能有人派上用场。
1 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 03:15
Cristal: 应该会有人能行。
That's why i post it here.
1 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 03:18
Junkkiller: 清理费用太高
2 回复 ww_719 2012-5-10 04:17
1 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 04:45
ww_719: 那个CA在哪里呀,哈哈..
1 回复 ww_719 2012-5-10 05:06
宜修: 旧金山
0 回复 宜修 2012-5-10 05:08
ww_719: 没写哪里呀...具体点呀,联系方式呢?哈哈..
123... 5下一页

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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