马大胡子和挂他名字的主义(慎入, Chinglish)

作者:walkalongg  于 2012-3-2 13:03 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Journal Communism
                A while back my dad talked to me about Karmax's (<--is that how it is spelt?) ideas about communism, and about how bad capitalism is.

                First I will talk about his ideas against capitalism, for capitalism, there is one person or body of people that are extremely rich, that leaves a lot of the workers poor or lower class workers which is not good for the economy.
                Communism is where the community owns everything, which means that there is better public services, better railroads, busses, schools, hospitals, it also means that the government tries to keep everybody equal, and that leads to having an strange but balanced economy, that means that there is a strong government rule and it is really hard to keep the government body in check, that often leads to a government ruled by force, as is the Chinese government.
                However in Canada, we have a free country and we have a democracy, but it seems that our public system really needs work, because we have a free country, the union is able to do what they like, and it is really hard to fight with them because they can just go on strike and it is a lose and lose situation, therefore in some aspects, a communism is better for the public than a democracy.
                But in some cases, such as the freedom of people, it is restricted, such as the fact that the community (aka the government) owns everything, so then the government is all powerful and the community can suffer if the government goes wrong, and there is no force that can contradict the government.
                After all these facts, it seems that there are many differences between communism and democracy, each with their ups and downs, giving them both choices that the other counterpart cannot make.


The name is Karl Marx, a German Jew.
Your memory is relatively accurate, but there are a few points.
Capitalism looked really like a nightmare to Karl Marx. The riches are greedy and the poor are struggling hopelessly. The economy isn't functioning well because of the imbalance on the contribution of wealth. Human society isn't going anywhere under capitalism.
Karl was right. Wealth is power, and the power is always concentrated to a few out of the herd.
I don't really know, but I believe it is not Karl who invented the dream of Communism. My understanding is that he portraited capitalism, pretty accurately with his fancy formulas and blablabla that beyond my level of understanding even somebody bother the burden translated into Chinese--I never read it myself, his famous “Capital”.
The world heard what Karl said. Some one tried to develop a new system based on his criticism—there comes Russia, China, Cuba…only Cuba is still, “said”, hold these principles. China is currently ruled not by the principles, only the dominant party keep the name as Communism. Russia…only a few old, poor still remember, in their deepest memory, about the old, mighty and rusty system.
The system is a dream based on a dream.
If Capitalism is so evil, so full of problem, and the source is the individuals owns big wealth privately, so make the wealth own by the public. The public isn't greedy and the public must have a big picture, guess sees further too. So, people can plan everything ahead to avoid economy crisis, and every one get their fair share of the mutual product...sounds really promising.
One thing missed--human being is lazy and selfish animal that evoluted from the natural process that follows the natural law, competition.
The nature is fair, out of almost every single individual case ends up totally not fair.
The world is balanced, based on restless movement between numerous imbalances.
There is no way for a society that no body owns any thing—for example, underwear and socks. So if you own, the nature process of accumulation and concentration started until it reach a point that a few own the most and people owns nothing, well, here we get back to the capitalism again. Lazy and selfishness are human nature. No political system can change them. That is why worldwide movement of communism pretty much failed.
The capitalism world isn’t totally turns its blind eyes to Karl too.

Social fairness, as a serious issue, was raised, especially Union movement in the late 1900’s. Many strikes held almost every where. People demand higher pay, better working condition…all the good things that the owner of the businesses later realized is actually good for the business.

Ford, for example, famous for his greediness and selfishness, generously raise salary for his worker to the level that they can afford to buy a car they build from their own factory. Well, your worker could be your customer too, isn’t it? And when your worker can afford to buy your own car, their friends and neighbour who isn’t working in your factory may want to buy a car too, therefore create a huge market, and you can make more money…

And as the technology advanced, the workers found them have higher negotiation power over the business owners. The government find out that to let the rich few have too much influent in the political system is actually risky for everyone, so they pass laws to not allow single company control any industry, to bust competition…

Of course there are many unions around nowadays pushed the ball to another direction that makes most people sick, and obviously we can’t blame poor Karl for that.

Before we finish, Poor Karl, btw, is actually pretty poor. He has to ask money from his wealthy friend, or comrade, or tovarishch in Russian, a rich factory owner, Engels. I remember reading this when I was young, that Karl once wrote,” Jenny  (Karl’s beautiful wife) didn’t buy any cosmetic for months, and we can’t always have enough bread to complete a meal”…Engels, to my understanding, is the one responsible for pushing Karl’s research into a revolutionary movement. Yeah, he is the first communist, or Maxist.









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5 回复 JuneRipple 2012-3-2 13:13
4 回复 ahsungzee 2012-3-2 13:43
5 回复 Cateye 2012-3-2 14:16
your chinglish is very good.
4 回复 yulinw 2012-3-2 15:37
4 回复 trunkzhao 2012-3-2 20:10
4 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-2 21:20
JuneRipple: sf~~~~
5 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-2 21:23
ahsungzee: 我的英文是ESL三月级水平,英文文章是百分百不懂的。这朵花是献给你一片父母心的!
谢谢!很抱歉在中文网站上贴英文。 你是对的,就是想显摆一下和儿子的交流。 至于大胡子,我不是专家,只是说说感觉而已。所以也没动力把我们的东东翻成中文。
4 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-2 21:26
Cateye: your chinglish is very good.
4 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-2 21:37
yulinw:    佩服你~·俺不和孩子探讨这方面的问题~~


4 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-2 21:48
trunkzhao: 这是个大话题,不是一两句话能说清楚的。要想得出自己的观点结论,还真是要好好地看上几本书。如果不想,就简单地借用妖魔化的结论,说不明真相的群众受到了蒙蔽 ...



5 回复 Cateye 2012-3-2 22:13
walkalongg: 哈哈哈,我这人皮厚,只要是回贴,都当好话听。有兴趣再调侃一下的,更是当大大的好话听。
6 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-2 22:21
Cateye:    没错,就是当好话说滴。那有道人家里讲主人坏话的。

4 回复 Cateye 2012-3-2 22:26
walkalongg: 是么?以前潜水时,我可是时不常就见到这个村子里有啊,挑着太阳旗的大枪上挂着两只鸡的那种正义之师文明之师。

不过你这个我是真的开玩笑,不会不识好人 ...
要想出来混江湖,就要学会 ignore 某些人的某些话。挑着太阳旗挂两只鸡,太形象了,你的中文也很好嘛。
4 回复 liuxiaoyu 2012-3-3 05:34
ahsungzee: 我的英文是ESL三月级水平,英文文章是百分百不懂的。这朵花是献给你一片父母心的!
4 回复 嘻哈:) 2012-3-3 07:54


呵呵,终于写了篇英文文,满足了太太的写些英文文给儿子读的要求?儿子都上8年级了?还当你小兄弟呢    ,早婚吧   
4 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-3 09:43
Cateye: 要想出来混江湖,就要学会 ignore 某些人的某些话。挑着太阳旗挂两只鸡,太形象了,你的中文也很好嘛。
4 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-3 09:53
嘻哈:): 你儿子好有思想和水平哟,至少比我高,更不用说你了。

学习了!很有意思。在中国每家马恩毛的书都一摞一摞的吧?反正我是读不下去的,如果像你这样抽部分讲解, ...



5 回复 yulinw 2012-3-3 10:21
walkalongg: 佩服啊。。。我们都是从小给染色几十年。出来后又主动被动的洗脑十来年。政治理念都跟扎染的似的。

跟孩子说这个,该是爸爸的事。平时饭桌上大人讨论什么 ...
5 回复 walkalongg 2012-3-3 10:41
yulinw:    ,嗯,同意~~总怕自己的偏见影响了孩子,还好是女孩~~
5 回复 Cateye 2012-3-3 10:42
walkalongg: 这个,一篇文章里得你先夸英文,再夸中文,真是,太,太过奖了。下回见面,怕口袋里除了砖头都没别的可用了。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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