
作者:点点星河  于 2011-1-4 05:34 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




The Peppermint Pig
Tale Of The Peppermint Pig -- A Saratoga Christmas Tradition!

The tradition of the famous Peppermint Pig™ started ages ago in the 1880's with candy makers in Saratoga Springs NY. It's a festive way to celebrate the holidays, and the tradition is even more popular today than it was throughout its early years.
In Victorian culture, the pig represented good health, happiness and prosperity. Old fashioned candy makers fashioned the Peppermint Pigs™ each year during the holiday season. These sweet treats were made of hard peppermint candy --similar in taste and texture to a candy cane -- and appropriately colored a very festive pink!

When families gathered together at Christmas for the holiday meal, the tradition was to break the Peppermint Pig™ after dinner (inside a small cloth pouch) using a miniature hammer. All family members would then share in eating the sweet candy pieces, hoping for good fortune in the coming year.

Today, the Peppermint Pig™ remains a fun and heartwarming tradition at holiday tables all around the nation. In addition to the traditional 8-oz. Peppermint Pig™ there is also a 3-oz. Peppermint "Piglet" -- either would certainly make a sweet and memorable holiday tradition... with Victorian roots!

Though the Peppermint Pig™ is sold all over the nation, Saratoga County is its hometown, and to this day they are made nowhere else!

Where Can I Buy A Peppermint Pig?
Looking to give a unique and meaningful gift or to start a timeless family tradition this holiday season? Pick up the famous pink Peppermint Pig! It comes in a few different sizes and is available online or in local gift shops here in the Saratoga region, including Saratoga Sweets, Crafter's Gallery, Impressions of Saratoga and The Candy Co. of Saratoga. For a fun twist, you may also be able to find some Peppermint Pig 'Poop' to go along with this gift! What a great way to say, "Merry Christmas!"









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0 回复 九畹 2011-1-4 05:36
4 回复 shaitthis 2011-1-4 05:37
哇 还有这么一说啊。哈哈
1 回复 wcat 2011-1-4 05:38
2 回复 点点星河 2011-1-4 05:39
九畹: 真是这样啊,俺还是第一次听说呢,俺家鬼子家咋没提这个呢,让俺长见识了,谢谢点点啊
The Peppermint Pig
Tale Of The Peppermint Pig -- A Saratoga Christmas Tradition!

The tradition of the famous Peppermint Pig™ started ages ago in the 1880's with candy makers in Saratoga Springs NY. It's a festive way to celebrate the holidays, and the tradition is even more popular today than it was throughout its early years.
In Victorian culture, the pig represented good health, happiness and prosperity. Old fashioned candy makers fashioned the Peppermint Pigs™ each year during the holiday season. These sweet treats were made of hard peppermint candy --similar in taste and texture to a candy cane -- and appropriately colored a very festive pink!

When families gathered together at Christmas for the holiday meal, the tradition was to break the Peppermint Pig™ after dinner (inside a small cloth pouch) using a miniature hammer. All family members would then share in eating the sweet candy pieces, hoping for good fortune in the coming year.

Today, the Peppermint Pig™ remains a fun and heartwarming tradition at holiday tables all around the nation. In addition to the traditional 8-oz. Peppermint Pig™ there is also a 3-oz. Peppermint "Piglet" -- either would certainly make a sweet and memorable holiday tradition... with Victorian roots!

Though the Peppermint Pig™ is sold all over the nation, Saratoga County is its hometown, and to this day they are made nowhere else!

Where Can I Buy A Peppermint Pig?
Looking to give a unique and meaningful gift or to start a timeless family tradition this holiday season? Pick up the famous pink Peppermint Pig! It comes in a few different sizes and is available online or in local gift shops here in the Saratoga region, including Saratoga Sweets, Crafter's Gallery, Impressions of Saratoga and The Candy Co. of Saratoga. For a fun twist, you may also be able to find some Peppermint Pig 'Poop' to go along with this gift! What a great way to say, "Merry Christmas!"
0 回复 点点星河 2011-1-4 05:40
shaitthis: 哇 还有这么一说啊。哈哈
0 回复 点点星河 2011-1-4 05:41
wcat: 猪猪不高兴了
1 回复 wcat 2011-1-4 05:42
点点星河: 哈哈哈,的确,小糖猪猪粉身碎骨了。
0 回复 九畹 2011-1-4 05:42
点点星河: The Peppermint Pig
Tale Of The Peppermint Pig -- A Saratoga Christmas Tradition!

The tradition of the famous Peppermint Pig™ started ages ago i ...
0 回复 shaitthis 2011-1-4 05:42
点点星河: The Peppermint Pig
Tale Of The Peppermint Pig -- A Saratoga Christmas Tradition!

The tradition of the famous Peppermint Pig™ started ages ago i ...
哈哈哈 好玩!
1 回复 点点星河 2011-1-4 05:43
九畹: 谢谢,俺copy给俺先生,质问他为什么不给俺准备个小猪
1 回复 九畹 2011-1-4 05:47
点点星河: 哈哈,“质问”二字用的好哈!
2 回复 点点星河 2011-1-4 05:51
九畹: 不过说实话,你那小猪多可爱啊,砸了好可惜的。我要是在,一定抱着不放~不给砸
0 回复 鹅黄柳绿 2011-1-4 05:52
9 回复 点点星河 2011-1-4 05:53
鹅黄柳绿: 真有意思,还是头一次听说呢~呵呵。那砸碎以后呢?是不是大家就吃掉了?
1 回复 鹅黄柳绿 2011-1-4 05:55
点点星河: 对啊对啊,你好聪明啊!然后大家把碎糖分着吃掉。
0 回复 点点星河 2011-1-4 05:56
鹅黄柳绿: 其实,是我也想吃啊    
2 回复 九畹 2011-1-4 05:56
点点星河: 呵呵,这小猪做的的确很精致的,但既然有这样已个传统,不让砸也说不过去呀!也许正因为如此,砸的时候才套在袋子了,不去看它的惨状?
0 回复 点点星河 2011-1-4 05:59
九畹: 可怜的小猪。下辈子死也不要当猪
5 回复 鹅黄柳绿 2011-1-4 06:00
点点星河: 那今年的圣诞节别忘了去买一只小糖猪猪来哈!
1 回复 九畹 2011-1-4 06:03
点点星河:           人家盒子就有那样的胸怀说,“这辈子吃了不少动物,下辈子准备做动物,也来给人吃吃。”

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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