
作者:vila1983  于 2009-4-19 22:28 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




与其它国家和地区的投资者相比,韩国投资者进入中国相当晚, 1992年 8 月两国建交后才真正进入中国投资。目前,韩国已成为中国最大的外商投资来源地。然而,韩国企业对华投资急速发展的同时,在投资中也暴露出这样或那样的问题。中国各地的韩资企业在生产经营中也面临着一些具体困难。本文旨在考察韩国企业对中国投资的历史和现状特征,分析其中存在的问题及成因,以提出改善的有效方法,并探索出其未来发展前景。帮助韩国投资者和企业了解和吸取在中国投资的一些经验和教训,以便今后在中国投资和经营取得更大成功。也使得中韩双方在未来的友好经贸合作中互惠互利,共同发展。韩国从开始对华直接投资到现在,已经由微不足道的投资小国转变成中国吸收外资最重要的来源地之一。

同时中国是全球最大的FDI流入国之一, FDI对中国经济发展贡献巨大。韩国作为中国第二大FDI来源国,在中国外资中拥有最高的增长比率,对中国经济发展的推动日益增大。正确理解韩国对华直接投资的特点和发展趋势,分析韩国企业对华投资主要动机和战略倾向,客观认识韩国对华直接投资对我国经济的影响,对我国,特别是相关城市和地区有效引进、利用韩资,具有重要意义。本文借鉴相关研究成果,对韩国对华直接投资及其对中国经济的影响进行比较系统和深入的分析。主要对韩国对华直接投资的结构及特点进行了比较全面、系统和深入的分析,从中发现了我国在吸引韩国投资中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了进一步促进韩国对华直接投资和提升其利用质量的政策性建议。










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0 回复 xqw63 2009-4-20 12:51
With other countries and regions, investors compared to investors in South Korea into China's very late in August 1992 only after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries to enter China. At present, Korea has become China's largest source of foreign investment. However, South Korean enterprises investing in China at the same time the rapid development, in terms of investment also exposes the problem of one kind or another.韩资企业throughout China in the production and management is also faced with some specific difficulties. This paper aims to study Korean enterprises investing in China's history and current situation characteristics, and to analyze the causes of the problems and to propose an effective way to improve and explore the prospects for its future development. South Korean investors and companies to help understand and learn to invest in China's experience and lessons for future investments and business in China be more successful. China and South Korea also makes friendly in the future economic and trade cooperation of mutual benefit and common development. South Korea's direct investment in China from the beginning until now, has been negligible investment in a small country to absorb foreign capital into China's most important source of one.

At the same time, China is the world's largest FDI inflows one, FDI to China have made great contributions to economic development. South Korea as China's second largest FDI source country for foreign investment in China has the highest growth rate for China to promote economic development is increasing. Correct understanding of Korea's direct investment in the characteristics and development trends, analysis of South Korean enterprises investing in China the main motive and strategic orientation, the objective understanding of Korea's direct investment in China on China's economic influence on our country, especially in cities and areas related to the effective introduction of the use of Korean investment, is important. In this paper, drawing on research results related to Korea's direct investment in China and its impact on China's economy to compare the effects of systematic and in-depth analysis. Mainly to South Korea's direct investment in the structure and characteristics of a more comprehensive, systematic and in-depth analysis, which was found to attract South Korean investment in China in the problems that exist, and on this basis to further promote direct investment in China and South Korea to enhance their use of the quality of policy recommendations.

  In this paper, the position of the station rather than the Chinese side, nor is it the Korean side, this article from a comparative analysis of a neutral stance, hoping to trade between China and South Korea help.
0 回复 vila1983 2009-4-20 16:42
xqw63: 谷歌翻译结果,自己校对哦
With other countries and regions, investors compared to investors in South Korea into China's very late in August 1992 only
0 回复 arwn900 2009-4-29 00:33
谷歌翻译? It is really TOOOOOOOOOOOO bad!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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