
作者:郭凯敏  于 2011-1-22 03:40 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



昨天晚上,我太太带着我儿子,还有一个美国朋友去本市音乐厅,Schinitzer Hall, 听了朗朗的钢琴独奏音乐会。音乐会的票在去年夏天就售完了。我儿子也算是很有音乐天赋,钢琴弹得很不错,刚过15岁就考过10级的。以前他对朗朗还有些不屑,当然是对他的肢体语言。现在是完全折服了。


Tonight, I had a terrific, enjoyable, and incredibly fascinating time at the Schnitzer, thanks to Charlene Du and her son, Jonathan.  We were treated to an incredible "magic show" by the well-known and extremely talented Chinese pianist, Lang Lang. It was a sold out concert.  All tickets were sold out by the summer months but somehow, my friend Charlene pulled some strings to get three tickets for us.

I expected a lot as Lang Lang is such an international icon, and ultimate pianist!!  Yet, I can truthfully say that his show EXCEEDED my highest expectations by a country mile.

How is that possible?  Well for one thing, this 28 year oldster exhibited a style and level of perfection that I had not anticipated.  Beginning to play at the ripe old age of three years, he was a prodigy, to say the least.  At the age of five years, he was winning local competitions, handily.  At the ripe old age of nine years, he was already enrolled in the Beijing Conservatory and had won first prize at the Tchaikovsky Young Musicians Competition.

The rest is history.  He rocketed onto the international scene with a flair and speed that amazed the elder statesmen of music. 

Most "master" artists usually "do not arrive" till they are in their mid-30's or later.  Yet, Lang Lang mesmerized the audience with his lighter than air touches on the 88 keys.  It seemed as though each key "knew in advance" that it would be struck, so it simply released its perfect sound as Lang Lang's fingers were "intending" to strike those keys. 

Then too, his fingers flew over the keys with the speed of a jet fighter at mach speed.  My mouth forgot to close, as he flew up and down the keys, hitting difficult chords, doing cross-overs, and assuming yoga positions that seemed to reflect his musical interpretations with such ease and perfection.  His fingers had the unbelievable skill of barely touching the keys to produce the touch of an angel.  At other times, his feathery touch, delicate style, and masterful keyboarding reminded me of a mother's ultra gentle kiss that she might share with her sleeping infant. 

I will not lie; I was waiting for Lang Lang to have a missed note.  It didn't happen; well, if it did happen my human ears did not detect them.  When it was time to use "fortissimo" he spread his fingers and made the symphony hall ring with his singular skill that had the audience spellbound. 

His elbow had an accentuated bend to it at times.  Many of us discussed this unique mannerism during the intermission.  If you have played the piano, you will understand what I am getting at.  Bending your elbow so acutely, might be a disadvantage to a mere human being.  Yet, being Lang Lang, that bent elbow did not hinder him in the least. 

His choices of Bach, Chopin, and Shubert were technically difficult, whimsical at times, but so clear at all times.  To say that the audience was awe-struck would be a clear understatement.  He was a ballet dancer, gymnast, master yoga instructor, and pianist; all in perfect synchronization with the music that he created so masterfully.  Each role was guided by his "musicality."  His sweeping arm movements, delicate one key touches, and swooping postures as he moved from one emotional stance and stanza to the next were all part and parcel of the Lang Lang magic.

At times, his left hand hung in the air with curled fingers that seemed to be waiting for that precise mini-moment to strike, touch, or barely touch that intended key!  It was a ballet at times, to watch his body contortions, and to watch his body coordinate with his fingers, to emphasize a certain movement or emphasis.  It was a show of shows that proved the mystical mind and body coordination that the Greek athletes worked tirelessly to achieve in their Olympian feats!

Not being an accomplished pianist, I am certain that others in the very knowledgeable audience noticed many significant things that I was not even aware of. 

Most symphony concerts are 90 minutes long.  Lang Lang began playing at 7:37 p.m. and it was close to 10:00 p.m. when he completed his extended concert much to the delight and disappointment, that it was coming to the eventual end.  It was clear to all, that Lang Land held the entire audience right in the palm of his hand. 

Youngsters were in obvious attendance.  Parents recognized the value, and the powerful inspirational momentum that Lang Lang could produce with the wave of his magic wand.

In all of my years of symphony participation, tonight was the apex of them all.  Lang Lang had an electric effect on his audience from his opening note to his finale.  I could feel the positive energy in that hall, tonight.

If ever he comes to your hometown, I do hope that you will find the time to attend.  I will gladly buy the best seats in the house for you as my gift to you. 

Then there is the cultural aspect of his concert too. I could feel the pride of the Chinese, in attendance.  It was wonderful to see, hear, and be in awe of a Chinese artist of Lang Lang's caliber right there in front of us.










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3 回复 深秋的云 2011-1-22 08:14
first time to hear his play! bravo!
3 回复 ww_719 2011-1-22 08:26
I like him!!非常有激情!!
3 回复 郭凯敏 2011-1-22 09:46
深秋的云: first time to hear his play! bravo!
Yeah.  I was very impressed as well.
2 回复 郭凯敏 2011-1-22 09:46
ww_719: I like him!!非常有激情!!
I like him too.
3 回复 ww_719 2011-1-22 10:11
郭凯敏: I like him too.
3 回复 蒲公英 2011-1-22 13:31
2 回复 郭凯敏 2011-1-22 15:35
蒲公英: 好啊,现在就开始留意他啥时候来我们这town.
2 回复 何米娅 2011-1-27 00:13
1 回复 路不平 2011-1-27 00:21
1 回复 郭凯敏 2011-1-27 00:25
路不平: 特喜欢这首歌
2 回复 路不平 2011-1-27 00:47
郭凯敏: 我也喜欢这首歌。他弹得很活泼,轻松,也很优美。
1 回复 郭凯敏 2011-1-27 01:15
路不平: 轻松,优美
3 回复 路不平 2011-1-27 01:58
郭凯敏: 其实非常符合美国人的风格。李云迪更凝重一些。风格不同,他们俩我都喜欢。
1 回复 yang6381 2011-2-5 07:09
你的儿子   要成为小朗朗的!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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