有钱就是爷, 是奶.

作者:jjsummer95  于 2009-9-29 11:14 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




曾几何时, 三大汽车公司称霸天下。 当初就有‘爱美国,买通用之说。而今,三大汽车公司中, 两家进行了破产重组。汽车制造业大哥大的日子是一去不复返了。


而我们这家汽车配件公司,已经陷在破产重组的深渊里整整四年了。裁员, 关厂,抛卖,转让,职员越来越少, 规模越来越小。几十条生产线不断地被拍卖。



这不, 咱老家的人怀揣着现金来了。一位女老总, 带着一个团队, 外加翻译, 热热闹闹的来了。 可怜咱的老厂长, 虚心的向新老总请示, 也不知翻译是怎么翻译的,老厂长话还没说完,女老总起身离座, 连一句“Bye Bye” 都没说, 就无影无踪了。


老厂长打电话给咱, 抱怨说:无法和这新老总沟通,以后的日子可不好过了。


哎,有钱就是爷, 是奶。










发表评论 评论 (48 个评论)

2 回复 marnifan 2009-9-29 11:37
Money talks.. anywhere, anytime.
4 回复 snortbsd 2009-9-29 11:38
in late 90s, there were some chinese delegations coming to my company for visits or training. one day i ran into a chinese guy and a chinese woman in front lobby and started talking with them. as an engineer, naturally i had more exchanges with that guy. i guess that lady who was his boss felt neglected. she abruptly disrupted our conversation and asked that guy leave...

for some people (chinese or not), just can't get used to being equal with others.....
3 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 11:40
marnifan: Money talks.. anywhere, anytime.
唉, 咱都不好意思说, I am Chinese, too.
3 回复 yulinw 2009-9-29 11:41
3 回复 borninheaven 2009-9-29 11:42
所以啊, 公司是灰孙子, 钱才是爷!
3 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 11:44
snortbsd: in late 90s, there were some chinese delegations coming to my company for visits or training. one day i ran into a chinese guy and a chinese woman in
The Chinese company buys the tech of this factory. However, if they can not know how to use these local people, where can they get the knowledge from?

No respect at all.
4 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 11:45
yulinw: 你不就更难了?
是呀。 真没面子。
3 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 11:46
borninheaven: 所以啊, 公司是灰孙子, 钱才是爷!
2 回复 snortbsd 2009-9-29 11:49
jjsummer95: The Chinese company buys the tech of this factory. However, if they can not know how to use these local people, where can they get the knowledge from

i wish someone would fire that 女老总!!! if she could not handle the differences, can't handle the straight arrows, then she should never be made of 老总.

or she was just some bigger bosses' beauty queen and worked her way with her charming, or even "services"?

not that i am trying to be nasty, but personally i can't stand this kind of persons.
3 回复 yulinw 2009-9-29 11:49
jjsummer95: 是呀。 真没面子。
5 回复 marnifan 2009-9-29 11:51
jjsummer95: 唉, 咱都不好意思说, I am Chinese, too.
5 回复 xinsheng 2009-9-29 11:56
2 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 11:57
snortbsd: sigh...

i wish someone would fire that 女老总!!! if she could not handle the differences, can't handle the straight arrows, then she should never be
Agree.  I almost used 'B" word.  I refuse to talk to her directly. We just  take the money . How to run the business is their problem.
4 回复 xoyuanfen 2009-9-29 11:58
前些日子还在说以后为美国政府打工, 最近的流行说法是为中国政府打工了。 Brake那一摊名字都该Beijing了- BWI。
3 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 11:59
marnifan: 很无理
2 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 12:01
xoyuanfen: 前些日子还在说以后为美国政府打工, 最近的流行说法是为中国政府打工了。 Brake那一摊名字都该Beijing了- BWI。
4 回复 marnifan 2009-9-29 12:01
jjsummer95: 是的
很跋扈的女人吗? 暴发户
3 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 12:01
xinsheng: 叹!
3 回复 snortbsd 2009-9-29 12:02
jjsummer95: Agree.  I almost used 'B" word.  I refuse to talk to her directly. We just  take the money . How to run the business is their problem.
you r in an industry going down, somehow like those steel mills (maybe not drastic). try to get out of it before it totally gone.
3 回复 jjsummer95 2009-9-29 12:02
yulinw: 唉,some有钱人~~~

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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