儿子的 Football 赛事 -- 出线了

作者:jjsummer95  于 2009-10-13 03:34 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



顶着雨, 忍着冻, 又赢一场。
自然, 还是要赢得pre-season的全胜。









发表评论 评论 (26 个评论)

5 回复 琼台鹤 2009-10-13 03:36
0 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 03:54
琼台鹤: 恭喜。又是这么大的比分差异。
1 回复 九畹 2009-10-13 05:14
1 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 05:46
九畹: 可喜可贺!
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-13 08:09
but um lost???
1 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 08:35
snortbsd: but um lost???
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-13 08:55

well, life goes on...
3 回复 德州龙 2009-10-13 09:11
0 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 09:44
snortbsd: well, life goes on...
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-13 09:46
you just love the football games or juts love the son?
1 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 09:49
snortbsd: you just love the football games or juts love the son?
Both. Because my son plays, so I learn to love fooball.  Now I do love this game. UM was a pretty good team but sucks this year.. Lion is bad as well.. So I think my son's high school team is the best , comparing Detroit NCAA or NFL team..hahaha
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-13 09:50
jjsummer95: Both. Because my son plays, so I learn to love fooball.  Now I do love this game. UM was a pretty good team but sucks this year.. Lion is bad as well
of course your son always the best...
1 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 09:52
snortbsd: of course your son always the best...

When you have a kid, you will know...
Well, any luck finding a future wife??
12 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-13 09:54
jjsummer95: When you have a kid, you will know...
Well, any luck finding a future wife??
well, keep my fingers crossed...

getting a girlfriend is one thing, but getting a wife is another...
1 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 09:59
snortbsd: well, keep my fingers crossed...getting a girlfriend is one thing, but getting a wife is another...
Do not just look at the mirror, and hook to PC, go out and give yourself more opportunity..
There should be some women in Fed who can meet your Mom's standard..
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-13 10:04
jjsummer95: Do not just look at the mirror, and hook to PC, go out and give yourself more opportunity..
There should be some women in Fed who can meet your Mom's
well, since i am in the states, it would be a little too far for my mom to pull the strings...
0 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 10:06
snortbsd: well, since i am in the states, it would be a little too far for my mom to pull the strings...
then ask your mom to find one and you can fetch her...easy way out
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-13 10:10
jjsummer95: then ask your mom to find one and you can fetch her...easy way out
well, put this way, the type my mom likes, chances are i wouldn't be too crazy about...
1 回复 jjsummer95 2009-10-13 10:15
snortbsd: well, put this way, the type my mom likes, chances are i wouldn't be too crazy about...
1 回复 遥祝 2009-10-13 12:15

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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