
作者:stellazhu111  于 2008-12-10 02:30 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




Life is not math simple, but a miracle combination of receiving and giving both love and arts.


This is my last day of the trip, which is also the day of recovering by proper diet, outdoor activities, body-exercises and chatting with old friends.


We were the early two persons waking up in the morning. I greeted my friend by a huge and firm hug for couple of seconds when saw her busing in the kitchen. Then we sat together and chat closely in our sleeping suit with no distance in mind. It is the only moment that only two of us in a room, like 20 years ago. How cheerful it was even though we both knew that we are not longer that younger any more.


We had a big lunch outside, which is the best local Chinese dish. During the lunch, her elder daughter took good care of me and ordered the food I like which I told by chance the day before. I feel a little bit closer to that genies girl.


After lunch, once again all of us were fascinated by the beauty of this maple country which is the shining and mature color of the leaves in this season. Four of us took three cameras and stopped by any fantastic spots when drove through the autumn street in Vancouver.


Autumn is the most amazing season of the whole year and also in a person’s whole life spam. I call it the season of the gift and giving, during which all the natural product are in the harvest period and present to us as a gift. A middle age person may realize that him/her potential value is also likewise as a gift that is to give is rather to receive in current stage.


After the heart-melt and picture recording of the beautiful scene under the sun, I suggested a tennis match between the husband and myself in UBC (university of BC). This sport is the art of movements and I am in the level far better than a beginner and also not too far worse than a pro. Coz I can play at least 10 runs for a single ball with a similar level player. My friend’s husband is as of my level, but different power for sure. WE enjoy playing without any breaks for 90 minutes. My achievement for tennis is mostly from adjustment which should also be the right attitude to our life as well. Life will not be easy in any period for any person, and no one can live without any problem either physically or mentally. The right thing is how to adjustment of yourself, your point of view, your attitude, your mood and your spirit although you still have an unbreakable value system or unchangeable destination of your faith in your heart. Adjustment is the useful strategy which brings you peace of mind and half god indicated that adjustment as upgrade or update, which will pure and fertilize our heart to upright mutual.


Not a single time today, I think of half god, and sincerely hope that his achievements can be done these days in this harvest season.


These two days, I had opportunities to taste the best house made cuisine by my friend, including baked pigeon, baked Chinese bread, mini-dumpling, all of which are healthy delicious and definitely by dedicate work with love and wisdom.   I know my friend is no longer the one I started knew her 20 years ago, but a really mutual women, a really good mother and wife now, at meanwhile who is in real happiness when devote her love to all family members.


The last few minutes before I took off to airport back to SFO were discussions of my favorite pop songs to her elder daughter while having bake Chinese cake.  Without doubt that we had gap, nevertheless the communications and open opinion between two generations are more important than music itself.


She is a thoughtful, emotional and outstanding girl, who is fond of Chinese linguistic and its culture comparing to western. To my surprise and also to my delighted, she had more interested in ancient Chinese stuff like poems, characters in traditional novels and even Beijin Opera. She couldn’t make me ignore her great talent which is so vivid and unique. May her life both in real and in art field go on well and successfully.


Being melted by the fresh air and color in Toronto of this season, being deeply impressed by the golden age of my friend’s genies daughters, being a welcomed guess of a family which is really warm and couldn’t be better managed by a beloved woman, I know I am happily fulfilled and now ready going back home.


 (Sometimes or even right now, maybe my own life is incomplete or not that perfect as I expected, what I need is the right attitude and encourage to face it, to deal with it and to move on eventually to my real mutual stage.)


Bye Vancouver!

Bye Canada!



(link to song: "late for your life" http://www.songtaste.com/song/32333/)










发表评论 评论 (10 个评论)

2 回复 stellazhu111 2008-12-19 05:20
英语写作不是强项, 旅游的时候, 灵感来了, 在酒店或在人家的电脑上, 找不到中文输入, 就胡乱涂几笔, 留下痕迹
2 回复 早安太阳 2010-4-4 12:25
1 回复 stellazhu111 2010-4-4 12:25
早安太阳: 好!很平淡的英语但是读起来很舒服!!赞赞赞!!!
2 回复 早安太阳 2010-4-4 12:28
stellazhu111: E文就小学毕业.
2 回复 stellazhu111 2010-4-4 12:48
飞机是真开过, 值得你45度仰视一下俺. 父母在空军, 部队的邻居叔叔是给林副主席开飞机的, 飞行员的训练器械就是我们小时候的大玩具
1 回复 早安太阳 2010-4-4 12:52
stellazhu111: 飞机是真开过, 值得你45度仰视一下俺. 父母在空军, 部队的邻居叔叔是给林副主席开飞机的, 飞行员的训练器械就是我们小时候的大玩具
2 回复 早安太阳 2010-4-4 12:53
stellazhu111: 飞机是真开过, 值得你45度仰视一下俺. 父母在空军, 部队的邻居叔叔是给林副主席开飞机的, 飞行员的训练器械就是我们小时候的大玩具
2 回复 stellazhu111 2010-4-4 12:57
早安太阳: 老姐姐,你知道那种可以在海边飞的那种东东吗?五颜六色的象彩虹,我最大的梦想就是飞一次那个美丽的彩虹,但是我怕高
知道, 我也飞过, 在泰国, 这是很普通的旅游活动项目,前面是游艇拖着, 自己就飞起来了, 还行. 我这的海滩也有种特别的, 是靠自己左右平衡头顶像帆一样的东东, 自己就能飞, 很想试试. 估计这是你说的那种.
2 回复 早安太阳 2010-4-4 12:58
stellazhu111: 知道, 我也飞过, 在泰国, 这是很普通的旅游活动项目,前面是游艇拖着, 自己就飞起来了, 还行. 我这的海滩也有种特别的, 是靠自己左右平衡头顶像帆一样的东东, 自
1 回复 stellazhu111 2010-4-4 12:59
早安太阳: 没有游艇,自己飞的,飞好远呀

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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