
作者:stellazhu111  于 2009-4-25 00:41 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Until we meet
My nights will be a little colder
My days a little shorter
My heart will beat a little less rapid
Until we meet
I know that my arms will be empty
My mind hurting from the constant thought of you
Minutes will seem to be hours
Hours will seem to be months
While months will seem like eternity
Until we meet
The stars in the sky will not affect me
with its gleaming sparkles of life

Until I am gazing at them in your arms
And the food that I eat will not be as fulfilling and nourishing
Until it is you that I share the my food with
And Until we meet
I will not feel whole
My world will seem incomplete
Until that wonderful day
When our eyes make first contact
And our bodies and souls collide in blissful whirlwind
The words will roll off my tongue like a sweet love song
"Hello, my love, I couldn't wait to meet you."









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0 回复 早安太阳 2010-2-4 14:30
Hello, my sister, I couldn't wait to meet you...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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