也谈利比亚干涉与诛独夫 (ZT)

作者:路不平  于 2011-3-29 00:33 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


















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1 回复 snortbsd 2011-3-29 02:33
i think usa was dragged into this saga by europeans. americans are clearly reluctant partner for this event.

but gaddhafi is an easy target: he got almost no credible miltary; he got bad raps from africa (self-styled pan-afica king); from arabs (loud mouth attacking almost every arab country except egypt); staged terrorist attack against the west.

clearly post gaddhafi era would be chaotic for a while. the real question, how much will al qaeda gain strength during this period? don't forget, very large percentage of foreign fighters in iraq were from the east part of libya until gaddhafi brutally suppressed al qaeda activities in libya...
回复 ManCreatedGod 2011-3-29 02:39
1 回复 路不平 2011-3-29 02:55
snortbsd: i think usa was dragged into this saga by europeans. americans are clearly reluctant partner for this event.

but gaddhafi is an easy target: he got  ...
at least Obama is not that committal
回复 路不平 2011-3-29 02:58
ManCreatedGod: 好
回复 snortbsd 2011-3-29 03:19
路不平: at least Obama is not that committal
obama might have to,though now it is reluctant. new government has to include those tribes supporting gaddhafi, but what about those tribes supporting al qaeda? those supporting al qaeda in the east are most organized groups and at least for now operating under the banners of "freedom and democracy".

don't forget, most of now taliban fighters had history with the west in 1980s...
1 回复 路不平 2011-3-29 03:45
snortbsd: obama might have to,though now it is reluctant. new government has to include those tribes supporting gaddhafi, but what about those tribes supporting ...
after this bloodshed, it will be difficult to ask tribes to share one governmant peacefully
回复 snortbsd 2011-3-29 03:57
路不平: after this bloodshed, it will be difficult to ask tribes to share one governmant peacefully
in those tribal politics infested countries, once balance is broken among those tribes, it would take a while to find new balance point...

libya as country was a fruit of deceased colonialism...
1 回复 路不平 2011-3-29 20:00
snortbsd: in those tribal politics infested countries, once balance is broken among those tribes, it would take a while to find new balance point...

libya as c ...
Birth Defects
1 回复 xingzhanyang000 2011-4-25 04:54
1 回复 路不平 2011-4-25 22:10
xingzhanyang000: 中文网,怎么贴子目前看到的都是英文,是不懂中文?他怎么看懂中文文章的,是歧视中文,或歧视中国人,故意不给看?
在美国眼中,利比亚卡扎菲只不过是一个跳蚤, ...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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