耳记项目合法腐败 (ZT)

作者:路不平  于 2012-2-16 23:34 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) has earmarked more than $100 million toward rebuilding downtown Tuscaloosa, Ala., where he owns an office building. The street in front of the building will be redone with other streets as part of the project's second phase. Shelby said there is no conflict between his property and the revitalization project. "I have nothing to hide. I make no money out of it," he said.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

An overview of the newly revitalized downtown Tuscaloosa includes a four-story parking garage, top left, and a park square, top center, with decorative lamps, a fountain and pavilion clock tower. The new $67 million earmark-funded federal courthouse is pictured at top right. Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) owns a 7,800-square-foot gray, one-story building next to the garage. Shelby's block was not razed, though it was classified by project consultants as one of the three most blighted blocks in the proposed 16-block revitalization. The hometown senator also purchased the adjacent parking lot next to his building, which is home to Shelby's Tuscaloosa Title company and his nephew's law firm.

Ben de la Cruz/The Washington Post

Over the past decade, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) helped secure $50 million in earmarks toward a light-rail project that provides direct access to Union Square and Chinatown for neighborhoods south of Market Street in San Francisco. Pelosi's husband owns a four-story commercial building blocks from Union Square. A Pelosi spokesman said the project was requested by community leaders and the new stations on the line will be farther away from the building from those on the existing line.

Alex Wong/Getty Images










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1 回复 wcat 2012-2-16 23:39
Earmarks 真是操蛋,但选区的选民又高兴他们能带回这些 earmarks.   
1 回复 路不平 2012-2-16 23:47
wcat: Earmarks 真是操蛋,但选区的选民又高兴他们能带回这些 earmarks.    

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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