Marshmallow Temptation and "三岁看老" cliché

作者:Warrior-NY  于 2008-12-6 01:08 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



We all know the Chinese cliché of "三岁看老". But I have not had a chance to study on this from psychological point of view until recently. I listened to an interview on NPR of an author who wrote a book based on the famous Marshmallow Temptation test. It got me so interested in the subject. I found this article, then this Youtube video, then the book:
You have to watch that YouTube video. It is fun to watch.
Here is the excerpt from that article from

It is a simple test, but has surprising power to predict a child's future. A 4-year-old is left sitting at a table with a marshmallow or other treat on it and given a challenge: Wait to eat it until a grown-up comes back into the room, and you'll get two. If you can't wait that long, you'll get just one.

Some children can wait less than a minute, others last the full 20 minutes. The longer the child can hold back, the better the outlook in later life for everything from SAT scores to social skills to academic achievement, according to classic work by Columbia University psychologist Walter Mischel, who has followed his test subjects from preschool in the late 1960s into their 40s now.










发表评论 评论 (10 个评论)

4 回复 宜修 2008-12-6 01:21
有趣!More, please!
6 回复 四合院的闲人 2008-12-6 01:40
5 回复 ww_719 2008-12-6 02:13
7 回复 宜修 2008-12-6 03:08
3 回复 妈妈咪 2008-12-6 03:38
四合院的闲人: 俺的感觉是真老美!深沉!(实话,看不懂)
4 回复 ww_719 2008-12-7 12:24
4 回复 野木耳 2008-12-7 12:44
See how四合院的闲人 comment on your effort to introduce this interesting and important study? She doesn't get it---she's a very intellgent lady still working on survival English and she's gracious enough to express her frustration with that sarcastic compliment. Moreover, backchina is a online Chinese language community where most people, though capable of communicating in English, satisfy themselves by fully immersing in this very dynamic and interactive native language experience. So what's the point of you presenting the stuff in English when folks who may have a grasp of it from English media will never waste their time perusing the non-news,plus no English posts are consideredfor home page recommended reading?Maybe you have more faith/confidence in sharing the original sources than letting more fellow Chinese get hold of what you are playing with "三岁看老"?

3 回复 宜修 2008-12-7 14:11
野木耳: See how四合院的闲人 comment on your effort to introduce this interesting and important study? She doesn't get it---she's a very intellgent lady sti
4 回复 Warrior-NY 2008-12-8 22:30
野木耳: See how四合院的闲人 comment on your effort to introduce this interesting and important study? She doesn't get it---she's a very intellgent lady sti
I am so sorry for the frustration. I am new to the fourm as you can see and I did not know (and still don't know) the make of the readers of it. I promise I will do it better job next time around.
3 回复 野木耳 2008-12-9 01:05
Warrior-NY: I am so sorry for the frustration. I am new to the fourm as you can see and I did not know (and still don't know) the make of the readers of it. I
Thanks buddy.You have nothing to be sorry for the way you want your blog to be:)以文会友,还是自己的语言交流更方便."丰俭随意,雅俗共赏:)

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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