Be Part of Your Children's Education!

作者:congxiang  于 2009-3-30 03:36 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



There are many ways parents can get involved in their children's education. When parents get involved, it helps children do better in school. Here are some suggestions for parents:

    * Talk to your children's teacher frequently.
    * Establish a routine for your children's schoolwork at home.
    * Provide your children with a good "study space" at home.
      Children should have a place to work that is quiet and free from distractions.
      This place should also have good lighting and the supplies needed for schoolwork, for example, pens, pencils, and paper.
    * Ask your children to tell you about their day at school. If you don't ask, they may not talk about their school experiences.
    * When a teacher sends a note or letter home, answer it immediately.
    * Visit your children's classes whenever possible.
    * Provide other sources of information for their schoolwork (the Internet, pictures, books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.)
    * Take your children to the library often. Many local libraries also have tutoring services to help children with their schoolwork.

If you put time and energy into your children's studies, they will have a better educational experience. They will also know that you care about their education and their future.









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