01/03/07 日记

作者:naturelover  于 2009-1-23 12:26 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


This is what happened when I returned to Fort Jackson on 01/03/07:
I was depressed right after we came back from the Grand Canyon trip, with Anthony and Kwang. I was happy that I fell sick while we were in Pheonix, AZ. I run a fever of 102 F, and had all the symptoms of a bad cold. Still I consider myself lucky, at least I was surrounded by the two most important people in my life, my only son and my dear husband. I can't imagine if I were sick like that in the Army......
I must have shown my upsetness in my face when I attended the farewell party that just for me. I had fear in my soul. How I dreaded to go back to Fort Jackson, to return to all the Army ways.
On 01/02/07, I was driving on 237 to get home from church, Simon called. He must have sensed that I am not alone, so he kept his conservation pretty short. I told him that I was well, and I was to report to duty the next day. He cares about me, I know.
Since my flight was around 7 am the next day, I had to be at the airport around 5 am. Since I couldn't find an alarm clock, I decided to stay up the whole night, for fear that I would miss my flight.
I was on cruthese on the whole time I was home for Christmas. When I was waiting in the lunge room at the SFO, several people approached me to shake hands with me and said thank you for me services for my country, since I had my uniform on, which was the order from the Army.
To be continued....









发表评论 评论 (6 个评论)

回复 xqw63 2009-1-23 12:44
1 回复 naturelover 2009-1-23 13:23
xqw63: 人生两大乐:不生病;生病有人呵护 您两者都占全了
是的。可是天有不测风云。一回到Fort Jackson, SC, my station post, bad luck was awaiting me. Thank God, that was two years ago. And now I am safe and sound and free and live at my own home in the SF bayarea.
1 回复 xizi66 2009-1-23 22:10
1 回复 野木耳 2009-1-25 13:24
God bless you
1 回复 naturelover 2009-1-27 12:31
xizi66: 辛苦了,给你敬个礼!
1 回复 naturelover 2009-1-27 12:31
野木耳: God bless you
May God be with you!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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