
作者:naturelover  于 2009-2-2 11:51 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Today is 01/02/2008

I am so grateful that I am home in California today, the first work day out of the whole brand new 2008. It made me think of myself this time last year.

Right on today, 2007, I was so miserable. Because I know that there was no hope, I was to report back to Fort Jackson, South Carolina, to go back to my US ARMY station post. I was laughing with Kwang the day before yesterday, the New Year's Eve. We were walking near the Golden Gate Bridge. I told him that he would have had no idea how happy and thrilled that I felt to be there beside him under the California sun. I was calm and assured of myself, I had my security.

On 01/02/07, I felt that I was in low energy mode, no interest in nothing around me. I have been worried about the trip that I had to be on the next day. Since my flight was 7:15 am, so I had to be at the SFO by 5 am. And I couldn't find my alarm clock, so I decided to stay up the whole night. I have my ACU ready, my summer boots and my cruthes are all beside me while I watched Constant Gardener, with Raiph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz. I really enjoyed it. But staying up all night was no fun at all. In the morning, I woke up Kwang at 4 and we were at the SFO at around 5. Kwang would have the luxury of dozing off for a couple of hours before He would attend the four pianos of his clients. When I was finally alone by myself in the lounge, waiting for my flight , I noticed a couple other male soldiers in the same room. They all had newly shaved heads. A few people approached me to shake my hand and expressed their gratitude of my service to our country. Again I don't have my cell with me, as suggested by my recruiter, Staff Sergeant Kennith Raines. That meaned that I cannot contact my loved ones when I wanted the most.

To be continued....










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