My first blog, second edition

作者:Mir  于 2009-2-24 00:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



This is not just to collect more comments and make myself famous. I have no interest in the fame. That is why I did not make my name Sir, Lord, or Duke.
Call me Mir.
My addiction of reading went a wrong way from very early, though I only read a small part of the list.

I tear a couple of pages off any book I like to read and sit on the toilet, reading, then toss away (I do not use the papers for other purpose, I swear.). Each time I walked out of bathroom, I felt like a new man in one more dimension than others.  Now if you come to my home, I have no intact book on the bookshelf. Poor books.

However, at the end of my life I can proudly say I have spent all my bathroom time for a meaningful cause.

I though ask you to limit to less than 2 pages for each episode of poo-poo to avoid from developping hemorrhoids.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the copyright holder, who is Mir.
No part of this blog should be read in any bathroom. Mir requests  his blog to be treated in a dignified way.
PS: I can not type Chinese but love to read Chinese, the only language I can really understand. So please, no English, if you do not have to.









发表评论 评论 (8 个评论)

1 回复 nnyycc 2009-2-24 02:28

2 回复 Mir 2009-2-24 02:58
nnyycc: 哈哈哈哈。      顺便请教一下,Mir怎么读啊?
For my first edition of this article, most comments are around books, blog, toilet. (reference #1)

There were comments on the environment issues, other function of toilet, such as escaping from duty of washing dishes after dinner.

No body really asked me about my name or how to pronounce it. The sound of my name is somewhere between the noise of cat and cow,  meow and mo,  respectively.

#1: My first blog (first edition)
2 回复 SirCat 2009-2-24 05:10


1 回复 Mir 2009-2-24 05:27
SirCat: 拿老毛子空间站当网名,还谦称不图名,不图利。明摆着地球已经搁不下了嘛。      己所不欲,勿施于人。自己不愿意读别人的英文,却不在乎请别人读自己的。好比
After carefully reading your comment and analyzing your name, I have to talk about our seemingly unrelated names first.

About my name, Mir,  is not really the cat meow. It should be closer to cow mo than cat meow. If someone mispronounced it to what you are entitled to, Sir Cat, it is really not my fault.

Everything else, you are absolutely right.

By the way, can you step your head on my bolg, so I can have my 1st head print to celebrate?
2 回复 marnifan 2009-2-28 07:32
now you can celebrate
2 回复 marnifan 2009-2-28 07:33
2 回复 Mir 2009-2-28 08:06
marnifan: now you can celebrate
I danced before this, Stella step her crab on my blog first.
2 回复 Mir 2009-2-28 08:06
marnifan: mir="名儿"
Between cow mo and cat meow

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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