
作者:qwxqwsean  于 2023-3-12 00:59 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




今天她给我回信说,我投诉Li Xu Li的事与性骚扰无关,是单纯的academic affairs,所以她不管了。令我失望。


There is a discrimination component. There are about ten students in that class. She gave extensions of assignments to a few students, but not to the others. She said she did not give me extension because I did not ask her.

Typically there were six or seven students sitting in the classroom at the begining of any of her classes. Starting from the beginning of October most assignments on the myopenmath.com passed the due dates before she taught the subject. I and a few students talked about this before class. 

On a day between 10/10 to 10/20, at beginning of a class while about seven students sitting in the classroom, two or three students spoke to her about the assignments became expired before she taught. And then she made some vague announcement. While they were talking I was there. Not every student but only two or three students were talking to her about the assignments expiration before she taught.

In this February I met two students of that class. It turns out three students of that class whom spoke to her at that class, all of their assignments had approriate due dates. It was not that the due dates expired and they had to ask for extension, but all assignments had reasonable original due dates, from the mid October to the end of the semester.  They had time to complete those assignments without the need to ask for.

From the begining of October most of the assignments on my account page appeared expired before she taught. I could not score on them. While those three students of that class never had this problem.

Those students received this secrete deal tended not to spread the words. They didn't actively reveal this to me, so I was unaware, and I assumed their assignments were the same as mine that basically all the assignments were displayed as expired before she taught.

Li says she gave extensions to those students because they asked her for, and she did not give me extension because I did not ask for. This is not true. In a same classroom while I was sitting among those students, they spoke to Li while I didn't speak. This is considered the students actually speaking already represented me. Li gave extensions to those three students, but she is supposed to gave all the students the same extension. This is her discrimination among students.









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2 回复 浮平 2023-3-12 01:49
Based on your letter, here is my understanding ----

1) Factual information: other students did ask for extension and being granted, but you didn't ask for. Is this correct?

2) You assumed that other students' requests should automatically represent yours, but the teacher could disagree on this special 'extension' deal.

Had you requested for the same reason but denied by this teacher, it may make your discrimination claim stronger.
2 回复 qwxqwsean 2023-3-12 03:49





2 回复 qwxqwsean 2023-3-12 04:13

2 回复 qwxqwsean 2023-3-12 08:49


2 回复 qwxqwsean 2023-3-12 08:58
2 回复 qwxqwsean 2023-3-12 13:19

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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