Glenn Beck is the biggest douche in the universe

作者:十三大爷  于 2009-10-26 12:34 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Glenn Beck是Fox Channel的右翼评论人。为了办好他的show,不惜鼓动他的听众去起来造欧巴马的反。下面就是一段他编造谎言被Barbara Walters 和 Whoopi Goldberg 揭穿的录像。 He is a complete nut and a douche.









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1 回复 marnifan 2009-10-26 12:40
clinton is the biggest douchebag.
2 回复 marnifan 2009-10-26 12:49
can't stand any of these people. barbara, whoppi or glenn, all idiots.
"为了办好他的show,不惜鼓动他的听众去起来造欧巴马的反" - not news. left wings have been doing the same thing for years.
2 回复 十三大爷 2009-10-26 12:59
marnifan: clinton is the biggest douchebag.
Bill Clinton?  Because he had extramarital affairs?  No way.  First of all, the guy was so dedicated to the work of presidency.  For example, he asked Monica to blow him off while eating a pizza and talking to a US congressman at 2:00 in the morning.  Seriously, Bill Clinton is one of the brightest and most successful presidents in US history.  His moral shortcomings are miniscule compared to his brilliance and they caused harm to nobody except to his family, who did the Christian thing and forgave him.  Right wingers hate him so much because they don't have a candidate anywhere close to his talent or eloquence.
2 回复 marnifan 2009-10-26 13:03
你十三大爷: Bill Clinton?  Because he had extramarital affairs?  No way.  First of all, the guy was so dedicated to the work of presidency.  For example, he aske
we are in the biggest financial hole because of him. how can you be so blind?
1 回复 十三大爷 2009-10-26 13:20
marnifan: we are in the biggest financial hole because of him. how can you be so blind?
There are many reasons for the economic meltdown that we had since last year.  You can argue that Clinton era set the country on booming and inevitably bubbling course.  But at what price to the economy and the society if we did differently?  Alan Greenspan once said after last year: we certainly could have increased the interest rate and thus slowed down the economy, which has moved so many people into home ownership and moved the country into a more middle class society.  At the end of day, Bill Clinton and Al Gore balanced the budget and got the country into a 2 trillion surplus after their 8 year term, unlike the Bush/Chenny who put the country into a shit hole in every possible way after leaving their office
1 回复 marnifan 2009-10-26 15:05
Speaking of a shit hole in every possible way:
1. 911 never should have happened if Clinton was not battling desperately to save his presidency, he simply had neither the time nor the mental energy to immerse himself in a war against terror.  He had many chances to either bomb or procecute Bin Laden in the US. He had Bin Laden's exact location and Sudan offered to turn him over to the US government for procecution on separate occations. He did nothing!! He was too busy trying to get his dick sucked! caused no harm to anybody except his family?

2. "which has moved so many people into home ownership and moved the country into a more middle class society" my question for you is this: do these people still own the house? who is paying for the home ownership ultimately?
Government gauranteed loans bursted the housing bubble that lead to the economic crisis. That Bill is signed by your brilliant idiot Clinton.

不说啦,免得伤了和气, 小左D
1 回复 十三大爷 2009-10-27 01:16
marnifan: Speaking of a shit hole in every possible way:
1. 911 never should have happened if Clinton was not battling desperately to save his presidency, he
I didn't know Sudan offered to turn over Bin Laden.  Clinton abolished the social welfare system by the way -- that is horny dick Bill...
2 回复 RNSandi 2009-12-24 00:12
so, you are a Democrat~
1 回复 RNSandi 2009-12-24 00:12
And I think Clinton did better than any of those two, Bush and Obama.
2 回复 十三大爷 2009-12-28 14:11
RNSandi: so, you are a Democrat~

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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