John Lennon - 约翰·列侬,大英帝国最优秀勋章 甲壳虫的最优秀最有才的音乐家

作者:十三大爷  于 2010-5-22 14:16 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




John Lennon rehearses Give Peace A Chance (1969)

File:The Beatles in America.JPG

Lennon, left, and the rest of The Beatles arriving in the US in 1964


The cover art for the album Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins by John Lennon and Yoko Ono (小野洋子)

File:Loving John.jpg

John Lennon and May Fung Yee Pang ( 庞凤仪), John Lennon's last girlfriend.

约翰·列侬MBE英语John Lennon1940年10月9日1980年12月8日),全名约翰·温斯顿·小野·列侬[1][2], 英国摇滚音乐家、创作歌手、作家与积极的和平运动家,以身为披头士乐团创团团员扬名全球。列侬与保罗·麦卡尼的合作是20世纪最成功也是最具影响力的创作组合之一,并“创作了摇滚史上最受欢迎的歌曲”[3]。 他在单曲榜史最有成就的作曲家中名列第二,仅次于麦卡尼[4]

列侬在他的音乐、电影、书作中,甚至在记者会与专访时,无刻不显露出一种桀骜不驯、反抗权威的性格与尖刻而讽刺的才思。同他的妻子小野洋子,列侬身为激进和平主义者与视觉艺术家,其作品亦是极具争议性。在披头士乐团解散后,列侬发行了《约翰列侬/塑胶小野乐团》与《想像》等备受赞誉的专辑,也创作了〈Give Peace a Chance〉、 〈Imagine〉等传唱度极高的经典歌曲,顺利开创了单飞生 涯。在为陪伴儿子尚恩成长、而自愿“引退”后,列侬以专辑《双重幻想曲》复出乐坛,但发行不到一个月的时间便遭到枪杀。该专辑后获得1981年葛莱美奖年度最佳专辑奖座。

2002年,BBC的一次民调票选百大伟大英国人中,列侬名列第8。2004年,列侬在《滚石》杂志在“不朽传奇:史上最伟大的五十位音乐家”中排行第38(披头士名列榜首),2008年时亦再度入 选《滚石》史上最伟大的五十位歌手排行榜[5]。 列侬在逝后,分别于1987年与1994年入选创作名人堂[6]摇滚名人堂[7]









发表评论 评论 (11 个评论)

0 回复 wd6364 2010-5-24 14:38
0 回复 十三大爷 2010-5-24 17:37
wd6364: 您这么折腾,就不怕人找您麻烦吗?集剽窃黄色极端于一体.
as long as u don't sue me
1 回复 wd6364 2010-5-25 01:34
十三大爷: as long as u don't sue me
0 回复 十三大爷 2010-5-25 02:10
wd6364: 别说,你喜欢的也都是我所欣赏的.难得啊.我前几年还专门查他们的故事呢
Now you see it -  John and Yoko in complete nudity... They were so beautiful and so pure in their idealistic pursuit, weren't they?
1 回复 wd6364 2010-5-25 03:43
十三大爷: Now you see it -  John and Yoko in complete nudity... They were so beautiful and so pure in their idealistic pursuit, weren't they?
Yes indeed.I can put myself out there just like that ,but need a brave man
0 回复 十三大爷 2010-5-25 10:26
wd6364: Yes indeed.I can put myself out there just like that ,but need a brave man
So that's all about my dick, isn't it?  Here I offer...
0 回复 wd6364 2010-5-25 12:08
十三大爷: So that's all about my dick, isn't it?  Here I offer...
The moment you opened your mouth, you killed the joy.
When we are talking about D and P,we should not have  mentioned the word itself at all.Bring on some in depth conversation,will u
0 回复 十三大爷 2010-5-25 20:35
wd6364: The moment you opened your mouth, you killed the joy.
When we are talking about D and P,we should not have  mentioned the word itself at all.Bring on
Apologies from your shallow and vulgar 大爷
1 回复 wd6364 2010-5-26 03:08
十三大爷: Apologies from your shallow and vulgar 大爷
U r not serious ,r u ?Always be prepared for battle of teasing and be teased.
1 回复 十三大爷 2010-5-26 06:27
wd6364: U r not serious ,r u ?Always be prepared for battle of teasing and be teased.
I just want to be politically correct
0 回复 wd6364 2010-5-26 14:15
十三大爷: I just want to be politically correct
Prefer to stay away from that word-not a game I can afford to play.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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