Life is Too Short to Be Little

作者:YRose  于 2012-4-2 20:09 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



by Orison Swett Marden


We men are imperfect beings, so conflicts among us are unavoidable. Inevitably, we sometimes feel injured, insulted, or slighted. Perhaps we put our faith in another, and were disappointed; perhaps we felt we deserved one’s gratitude, and were denied; perhaps we wished to join out efforts to those of a group, and were rejected.


Such experiences are painful indeed, but is it not foolish to let them occupy our thoughts and precious time? For what does it profit us to dwell on trivial matters? The priceless days must be spent meaningfully, joyfully. How thoughtless to waste the irreplaceable hours reviewing insignificant incidents, bearing a grudge or pitying oneself! Far better to embrace with gratitude the gift of each day to make the most of every moment by filling it with purpose or appreciation.


Consider this thought when next you feel tempted to nurse a grievance: that life is too short to be little!











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1 回复 卉樱果 2012-4-3 03:05
that life is too short to be little!ZT
2 回复 YRose 2012-4-3 05:26
卉樱果: that life is too short to be little!ZT
2 回复 YRose 2012-4-3 09:28
想送给tea2011一杯茶, 但是不知道怎样load图片.         
4 回复 YRose 2012-4-3 21:15
唉! 有时人是很有趣的, 当别人不计较的时候他计较; 他不计较的时候, 人计较. "老太太吃柿子,总是捡软的捏."

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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