20120421文茜的世界週報1 薄案每日一報

作者:light12  于 2012-4-22 20:11 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


20120421文茜的世界週報2 薄瓜瓜紅色法拉利 拖垮薄熙來首部曲









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0 回复 tsueict 2012-4-22 21:17
Xie xie Light 12 ZT this. Glad to watch the first TV with different attitude and tasee from Chen in Taiwan. It is comprehensive but most of them we have read form the Village already. Is this Wang kang the very popular reporter of China Daily (from government) in Taiwan around 50 years ago? Looking for more from this (re)source.
0 回复 light12 2012-4-22 21:22
tsueict: Xie xie light-12 ZT this. Glad to watch the first TV with different attitude nad tase from Chen in Taiwan. It is comprehensive but most of them we hav ...
Wang kang 是重庆商人
0 回复 light12 2012-4-22 21:27
tsueict: Xie xie Light 12 ZT this. Glad to watch the first TV with different attitude nad tase from Chen in Taiwan. It is comprehensive but most of them we hav ...
0 回复 tsueict 2012-4-22 21:31
light12: Wang kang 是重庆商人
Xie xie your quick reply. just read from Shen Fuen today (1).  He said so too.
0 回复 light12 2012-4-22 21:36
tsueict: Xie xie your quick reply. just read from Shen Fuen today (1).  He said so too.
0 回复 zhousx18 2012-4-22 21:51
0 回复 light12 2012-4-22 22:05
zhousx18: 消息似乎慢了点,好像老江浮出了水面!

http://   blog.  dwnews.  com/shenhuning2
0 回复 tsueict 2012-4-22 22:30
light12: 更新
Zai Xie. this is best one up to date. It sounds like a 8.9 earthquake and a 8.9 hurricane come to Chinese poltics and our country same time. Sad, very sad.
Besides this, i recall all the blue, green and Hong Kong generation 1 (and 2) that they had to struggle with sweat and tears and fight get ting a work oppertunity in restaurant in evening, weekend and in summer to make their tuitions after saw Bo Sr. and and his proud Jr. behalved and talked  as that on the recorded TV ...........
0 回复 light12 2012-4-22 22:32
tsueict: Zai Xie. this is best one up todate, i am glad to see than only read the 8.9 earthquake and tonado come to Chinese poltics and our country same time b ...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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