
作者:jimx98  于 2010-4-11 16:06 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



读过<<围城>>都知道海归不是什么新名词. 三闾大学里面的那些货色, 就是中国现实活生生的写照.

尽管海归们受过西洋教育, 其实多数也就是学的是科技的东西, 对西方社会、历史和文化能够真正搞懂的很少. 也谈不上中国传统文人的骨气. 所以骨子里面还是些奴才.

奴才的特点就是, 一是对主子卑弓屈膝, 二是对其它的奴才, 总想摆出主子的架势 :(

奴才出了国回归后还是奴才. 当然头上多了顶硕士、博士等高帽子. 从此当起奴才来便自觉光鲜了许多.









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1 回复 marnifan 2010-4-11 17:23
2 回复 fanlaifuqu 2010-4-11 21:00
0 回复 oneweek 2010-4-11 21:13
就是在国内没有出过国的官员有几个不是不是奴才呢? 就算全球中国人只有你一个有骨气的人, 你的贡献在什么地方呢?
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-4-12 00:00
oneweek: 就是在国内没有出过国的官员有几个不是不是奴才呢? 就算全球中国人只有你一个有骨气的人, 你的贡献在什么地方呢?
his masters are western....

guess he doesn't want to be 奴才 of chinese bureaucrats...
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 07:00
oneweek: 就是在国内没有出过国的官员有几个不是不是奴才呢? 就算全球中国人只有你一个有骨气的人, 你的贡献在什么地方呢?
一个社会如果老出这样的论调(讲贡献比牺牲), 这个社会有什么地方不对劲. 堂堂正正地做人就是对社会最好的贡献.

对社会不良现象讲几句话, 必须先数数有多少贡献, 这是什么逻辑? 还让不让人家讲话? 看看国人的这些论坛、博客, 有许多真是污烟瘴气. 先不谈论争人的观点、立场, 大家究竟能不能做点君子? 我看小人还真的不少. 可悲啊. 最可气是那些还口口声声爱国的主, 有些嘴一张, 人品低下得让人看不下去. 真是丢爱国都丢到家了.
0 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 07:04
snortbsd: his masters are western....

guess he doesn't want to be 奴才 of chinese bureaucrats...
这种语调似曾相识. 而且改头换面, 用上了洋文. 建议您到党校再学两年, 提高提高水平, 学会怎么夹着尾巴讲这种话.

听人家讲话, 动不动给人贴上动机、立场等标签, 这是什么道德水准? 要是有文字狱的话, 您大概会是拿放大镜然后报告的主. 奉劝您今后学点怎么干干净净做人的基本功德.
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 07:12
就事论事情, 我所熟悉的海归, 从人品上讲基本不及方鸿渐、赵辛楣. 多数属于高松年、韩学厚之流.  :(
2 回复 oneweek 2010-4-12 08:10
jimx98: 一个社会如果老出这样的论调(讲贡献比牺牲), 这个社会有什么地方不对劲. 堂堂正正地做人就是对社会最好的贡献.

对社会不良现象讲几句话, 必须先数数有多少贡献
俺在练习辩论技术, 练好了, 每贴50分, 一天发他个1000贴。就是500块钱
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-4-12 08:42
jimx98: 这种语调似曾相识. 而且改头换面, 用上了洋文. 建议您到党校再学两年, 提高提高水平, 学会怎么夹着尾巴讲这种话.

听人家讲话, 动不动给人贴上动机、立场等标签
guess you have been well trained by 党校 here....
2 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 08:57
oneweek: 俺在练习辩论技术, 练好了, 每贴50分, 一天发他个1000贴。就是500块钱
Well, you should have a long way to go.
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 08:57
snortbsd: guess you have been well trained by 党校 here....
I worked for the chinese government many years ago and know very well from the inside what the system is. If you want to start a fighting, I can tell you, I was well trained.

However, my writing above was not that trained style. I was trying to convenience you, to be an honest person is the happiest thing in the world. It's a gift not many people can see it or appreciate it.
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-4-12 09:08
jimx98: I worked for the chinese government many years ago and know very well from the inside what the system is. If you want to start a fighting, I can tell
wow, declaration of war? i am so sacred...
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 09:15
snortbsd: guess you have been well trained by 党校 here....
At different degrees, we all accept different levels of western value. If you call it the "党校 here", that's fine.

As a matter of fact, China in the past 100 years has been changed a lot, more than many people thought. Look at 100 years ago, try to understand how people think and act then and compare with today's china and how we think and act. We will be surprised by how much we chinese have been westernized.

Almost all the scientific & technological features we enjoy today are imported to China, small things from the clothing, eating, living and transportation to big things like, political party, constitution etc.

In other words we were all trained by the western at different degrees.  China needs the western in terms of technology, science, culture, political values etc. At the same time, chinese can also export some merits, such as, hard working, saving, focus on family etc.

Deep in my heart, I believe, most of us all love China -- the people, the culture and the land where we were raised.

The problem to me is the government. I don't like any government in this world. Of course, I don't like chinese government. In today's china, the system is so bad that the country can not be separated  from the party and the government.

Because of that, if you mark me as non-patriotism, that's fine. Actually I don't care. Because I believe, no matter how clearly I state my thinking, I don't believe you can get it.
0 回复 snortbsd 2010-4-12 09:30
jimx98: At different degrees, we all accept different levels of western value. If you call it the "党校 here", that's fine.

As a matter of fact, C
i don't think that way.

china needs ccp for another 50 years or even 100 years. for me, simple and straight, ccp got people and country organized. yes under the banner of the party, but gradually it would be replaced by legal structure. that would take time and the culture of respecting laws will take time to be rooted in our culture...
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 09:39
纵观中国的近代历史, 中国从来就没有缺少过高喊的爱国者. 中国更需要不同的声音. 虽然有些声音听上去有些刺耳, 但是杂音中或许会有真知的呐喊. 兼听则明嘛. 小平搞改革开放, 为什么, 是因为中国的落后. 是科学、技术、政治和文化的全面落后. 中国人的改革是一个远没有完成的事业, 包括改造我们的心灵, 让她们更开放和包容. 爱因斯坦说过, 一个人离开学校后, 忘记了老师教过的东西, 剩下的东西就是教育. 剩下的是什么呢, 就是一个开放的心灵, 去接受新的思想、新的价值, 去接受主观上不愿意接受的东西.
0 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 09:48
snortbsd: i don't think that way.

china needs ccp for another 50 years or even 100 years. for me, simple and straight, ccp got people and country organized. y
According to your statement, you respect the western values and it will take time to implement them in chinese society.

Well, should we all have the right to push the government move forward?  

I believe, at the end, the people have the right to make the call. Unfortunately, in today's china, they don't have the right they should have.
2 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 09:54
snortbsd: i don't think that way.

china needs ccp for another 50 years or even 100 years. for me, simple and straight, ccp got people and country organized. y
袁世凯说, china needs 袁世凯 for another 50 years or even 100 years. for me, simple and straight, 袁世凯 got people and country organized.....

国民党说, china needs 国民党 for another 50 years or even 100 years. for me, simple and straight, 国民党 got people and country organized.....

如今共产党还是说, china needs 共产党 for another 50 years or even 100 years. for me, simple and straight, 共产党  got people and country organized.....

Ridiculous! 您以为天下的中国人都有一棵象您那样的脑袋?
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-4-12 09:59
jimx98: According to your statement, you respect the western values and it will take time to implement them in chinese society.

Well, should we all have the
please, don't force your words into mine.

i never said implementing western values in chinese society.

what i meant is that ccp got people and the country organized. that is the best so far ccp ever did for china. that makes china a whole on this planet.

china and chinese government are moving forward, because the entity of china is a whole piece.

people is a big word, and your guys love to use that word. unfortunately most of chinese i know of, are not with you.

not a milli-second, i would entrust china into your guys' hands....
2 回复 snortbsd 2010-4-12 10:01
jimx98: 袁世凯说, china needs 袁世凯 for another 50 years or even 100 years. for me, simple and straight, 袁世凯 got people and country organized.....

hahahaha, get lost...

1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-12 10:12
您的这套逻辑骗鬼去吧. 究竟是多少年 50年还是100年? 教您一个成语叫做随心所欲.

就当回傻瓜信您的这套说法, 可是现实中 CCP 为什么有那么多践踏法律的事情? 究竟是民众的问题还是 CCP 的问题? 就说说腐败的事情, 您说是民众的问题还是执政党的问题?

Again, you used the same 小伎俩: "not a milli-second, i would entrust china into your guys' hands...."

Our difference is
1. You don't trust me to take care of china. :)    (why? who cares about it?)
2. I don't trust the government.

You have some serious problem.
再次忠告您, 别轻易给别人贴标签. 这不是什么光彩的人品和行为.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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