
作者:乐伦  于 2019-4-25 13:08 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村













My Third Grandunckle’s first time to go abroad for business

That year, it may be 1924, my Third granduncle was 19 years old, he studied in the English school, learned fluent English and some international trade knowledge. He was sent abroad for the first time to do business. They had a total of six or seven people, followed a team leader and took the goods from Yantai. The destination of this trip was East Africa, where they first sailed to East India. My Third Granduncle was the youngest of them. He was not just an apprentice but also a translator for the team. He was full of curiosity and learning spirit, ready to do a good job.

My grandfather told me that they were living in a tree house. Later, I searched and found that the place where my grandfather went, most likely is Kenya. To this day, there are still many treetop hotels in Kenya.

At that time, in East Africa, everything was very backward, and various diseases were also prevalent. One of the terrible disease was malaria. It didn't take long for my Third Granduncle to get infected with this terrible disease. During his intermittently feverish and coldness and dizzy, he heard the conversation between the leader and others. Their words meant that some people had this disease before, the others abandoned him and kept on going to do their business, and left that person behind to die. My Third Granduncle was scared and suspicious that this fate would fall on him also.

One night, he stumbled down the tree house and walked alone the railway. He seemed to think that there was a city at the end of the railway where he could get help. He did not get too far and was fallen unconsciously.

When he regained his consciousness, he found himself lying on the deck of a ship and couldn't remember what had happened. He did not know who had helped him and bought the ship ticket, sent him on the boat, and gave him a set of cotton-padded mattress, so that he could sleep on the deck. Many people who bought cheap tickets were all slept on the deck. (I guess my granduncle was rescued by his team members, and was handed over to the local consulate or fellowship, they donated money for the ship ticket. After sent him on board, they would not know whether he would live or die. If he died, his corpse would just be thrown into the sea and he would be disappeared since. Nobody expected that my Third Granduncle's vitality was so strong that he survived the deadly malaria and recovered.)

While the ship was sailing on the sea, sometimes there was heavy winds and rains. When it rained, people sleeping on the deck take their mattresses away from the rain. But my Third Granduncle was not yet fully recovered with his senses, and he didn't know the need to shed the mattress from the rain. He kept sleeping on the wet mattress. One day he found himself paralyzed, both of his legs were numb.

He was half-lying on the deck of the ship, the tears ran down his cheeks, it seemed that that wa. s the end of his life, and he was still so young. Fortunately, there were several of his fellow townsmen on the boat. They brought him meals, and helped him to go to the toilet or helped him to go around.

My Third Granduncle had no knowledge about how long the ship had been sailing, it seemed forever to him. Finally it landed in East India. Although he should continue to return home by the same ship, my Third Granduncle decided to disembark in East India.

He found the fellowship hall and said to the fellows there: "Look, I am now in such a difficult situation. I wanted to return to my hometown with fame and glory. But how can I go back like this now? If someone can take me and cure my illness, I will work hard for him."

There was this fellow countryman named Mr. Wang, who had not only done a successful business locally, but also knew some Chinese way to treat wounds and small illness. He had pity on my Third Granduncle and he took him home.  He massaged my Third Granduncle’s legs with hot water and Chinese medicine every day. His methods cured my Third Granduncle within a short time.

My Third Granduncle kept his promise and helped Mr. Wang to do international business and made a good fortune.









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4 回复 钓鱼城 2019-4-26 05:17
哈哈,喜欢看你的几个爷爷的传奇,就像开了一个充满童趣的故事会, 让人返老还童。有点像八十年代看电视连续剧《霍元甲》里的霍大侠和陈真的故事一样。
2 回复 乐伦 2019-4-26 15:05
钓鱼城: 哈哈,喜欢看你的几个爷爷的传奇,就像开了一个充满童趣的故事会, 让人返老还童。有点像八十年代看电视连续剧《霍元甲》里的霍大侠和陈真的故事一样。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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