
作者:乐伦  于 2019-8-27 14:27 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村






“从 1914 年日本借口对德宣战出兵山东, 到 1922 年中国收回山东主权, 山东占领区人民饱受了日本 8 年的殖民统治之苦。在此期间, 日本破坏中国的主权, 建立军政殖民统治体糸, 攫取了占领区的行政管理权、领事裁判权、驻军权、关税权、警察权、土地管理权等项大权, 垄断了对外贸易。在政治上, 殖民当局利用军政手段奴役占领区人民; 在经济上, 大肆掠夺, 把占领区变成了日本的垄断投资区、商品市场和原料供应地。山东占领区, 变成了日本的海外殖民地。8 年的军政殖民史, 是一部日本帝国主义侵华祸鲁的罪行史。
经过中国人民的不懈斗争, 依据华盛顿会议签订的《解决山东悬案条约》, 中国终于在 1922 年12 月收回了山东主权。但是, 由于日本利用军政殖民统治的便利, 在过去的 8 年里, 积累起了雄厚的经济、政治基础, 致使占领区回归中国后, 仍未摆脱日本的控制。这种局面一直到七七事变爆发, 没有根本的转变。”

This photo turned out to be my grandmother and my father

When I scanned this picture, I noticed for the first time that this picture has a Japanese Kenpeitai* stamp on the back, it was dated June19,1916. I have thought this picture was my Grandma hold my big brother. But it was not. It was my grandmother, holding the about one year old my father. My father was born in 1915. One thing I do not understand is why there was this Japanese Kenpeitai stamp on the back side?

Later, my wife searched the Web and found out:

"In 1914 Japan used the excuse of declaring war with Germany, send troops to occupy Shandong**. Until 1922, China reclaimed the sovereignty of Shandong, the people in Shandong had been suffering excessively from the Japanese's Colonial rules. During that time, the japanese undermine China's sovereignty, establish military colonial ruling system, seize the power of administrative, consular jurisdiction, garrison, customs rights, police power, land management rights, etc. And monopolized the foreign trade. Politically, the colonial authorities used military and political means to enslave the people in the occupied territories; economically, pillage and plunder, Turning the  occupied area into a Jaoanese monopoly investment zone, commodity market and raw material supply base. The occupied area of ​​Shandong has become an overseas colony of Japan. The eight-year military and political colonial history is a history of crimes committed by Japanese imperialists.

After the relentless struggle of the Chinese people, the "Treaty to Solve Unsettled Issues on Shandong" according to the "Conference of Washington", China finally recovered the sovereignty of Shandong at December 1922.

However, since the use of military colonial control, the Japanese accumulated a large economic and political basis in those 8 years, resulting in even after the return from Japan, China still had no total control of the province. This situation lasted until the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident***".

During this period, the Japanese Kenoeitai controlled everything, even photo studios. They went through all the photos and stamped on the back.

The Kenpeitai (憲兵隊, /kɛnpeɪˈtaɪ/)) was the military police arm of the Imperial Japanese Army from 1881 to 1945. It was both a conventional military police and a secret police force. In Japanese-occupied territories, the kenpeitai also arrested those who were suspected of being anti-Japanese. While it was institutionally part of the army, the Kenpeitai also discharged the functions of the military police for the Imperial Japanese Navy under the direction of the Admiralty Minister (although the IJN had its own much smaller Tokkeitai), those of the executive police under the direction of the Home Minister and those of the judicial police under the direction of the Justice Minister. A member of the corps was called a kenpei (憲兵).[1](Wikipedia)

**Qingdao, Shandong was German Concession at that time.

***The Marco Polo Bridge Incident, also known by Lugou Bridge Incident or Double-Seven Incident, was a July 1937 battle between China's National Revolutionary Army and the Imperial Japanese Army. It is widely considered to have been the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War,[5] and by extension, sometimes given as an alternative starting date for World War II (as opposed to the more commonly-cited one of September 1939).[6](Wikipedia)









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2 回复 浮平 2019-8-27 21:17
Washington Naval Conference
2 回复 乐伦 2019-8-27 22:55
Thanks! Very valuable information.
3 回复 晓临 2019-8-28 13:06
1 回复 乐伦 2019-8-29 03:20
晓临: 照片非常珍贵,而且保存得非常好。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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