Best Retirement Places

作者:TCM  于 2011-3-28 09:11 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


©Gunnar Kullenberg/Newscom

Albuquerque. N.M.

Fast Fact: Home of world's largest hot-air balloon event

Pros: Terrific weather, low taxes, lot of doctors, modest cost of living

Cons: Crime, difficult environment for driving

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Charleston, S.C.

Fast Fact: U.S. Civil War began in harbor

Pros: Lowest tax bite of all, low cost of living, agreeable climate, plenty of physicians

Con: Hurricane threats


Charlotte, N.C.

Fast Fact: Nation's largest banking center after New York

Pros: Cheap housing and living, temperate climate, god place for drivers, abundant physicians

Cons: Crime, tax climate only so-so


Colorado Springs, Colo.

Fast Fact: Unofficial nonprofit capital of America

Pros: Affordable housing, low cost of living, safe streets, lots of volunteer opportunities

Cons: Cold winters, a bit light on doctors

©Ron Reiring

Fargo, N.D.

Fast Fact: Named for a Wells Fargo co-founder

Pros: Lowest crime rate on list, inexpensive living, numerous doctors, opportunities for staying active

Cons: Cold, snowy winters, floods


Indianapolis, Ind.

Fast Fact: Hometown of writer Kurt Vonnegut

Pros: Very affordable housing, encouragement for active seniors, robust medical establishment

Cons: cold winters, crime


Jacksonville, Fla.

Fast Fact: Florida's largest city

Pros: Fine climate, low living costs, no state income or estate tax, plenty of doctors

Con: Other taxes high









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